英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 18:21:03



英 [ˈsʌbtəfju:dʒ]

美 [ˈsʌbtərfju:dʒ]


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  • 托辞
  • 藉口
  • 花招
  • 遁辞
  • 诡计
  • 招数
  • 伎俩
  • 秘密手段
  • 口实
  • 欺骗
  • 规避
  • 巧立的名目


1. something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity

e.g. he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge
the holding company was just a blind

Synonym: blind

1. 诡计;手段;伎俩;花招
Subterfuge is a trick or a dishonest way of getting what you want.

e.g. Most people can see right through that type of subterfuge...
e.g. The party has predictably rejected the proposals as a subterfuge.

1. 诡计,藉口:subsume 包括 | subterfuge 诡计,藉口 | subterraneous 地下的

2. 托词:subtense 弦 | subterfuge 托词 | subterranean 地下的

3. 找借口 还说我不是那个人|你做的决定 你:and say there's no more time|for dishonesty.|便... | Subterfuge, say I'm not that person.|The choices you've made, you...|找借口 还说我不是那个人|你做的决定 你... | I'm thinking of divorcing Ozzy.|我在...

4. 烈火出擊:烈火狂情 Exit In Red (1996) | 烈火出擊 Subterfuge (1996) | 烈火追擊 Fever (1991)

  • 经典引文

  • I hated all the subterfuges, I hated lying to you.

    出自:S. Brett
  • He came home one night, with no attempt at subterfuge,..at three a.m.

    出自:N. Sahgal
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

She was not sick; it was just a subterfuge .(她没有生病;这只是她的推托之词。)
Stempel, who was long gone when the plug was pulled, says there was no subterfuge involved.(当时已离职很久的施佩尔表示,停止该项目没有任何托词。)
Their communication is natural and direct, without subterfuge or cunning, and every movement has meaning.(它们的交流自然而直接,没有诡计没有欺骗,每一分每一秒都是那么的有意义。)
He wasn't sick — it was just a subterfuge; the holding company was just a blind.(他没病,这只是遁词;控股公司只是一个挡箭牌。)
Playing to the referee does not always require such subterfuge.(在裁判面前表演并不是总需要这些花招。)
Iraq continues to conceal deadly weapons and their components, and to use denial, deception and subterfuge in order to retain them.(伊拉克继续隐藏致命武器及其零部件,并继续使用否认、欺骗和逃避的手段来保存它们。)
Most people can see right through that type of subterfuge.(大多数人一眼就能看穿这种遁词。)
Those that you see everyday, once they wear night subterfuge clothes and a veil, you won't recognize each other.(平时朝夕相处的人,只要穿上夜行衣,再蒙个面纱,对方就不认识了。)
Parasites are renowned for their deceptive dealings with their hosts, but the blister beetle takes its subterfuge to a carnal extreme.(寄生虫以他们对宿主的寄生功能而著称,但是斑蝥却将他们的欺瞒手段发挥到了淫耻的地步。)
Distance is just a subterfuge.(距离只是一个借口。)
subterfuge是什么意思 subterfuge在线翻译 subterfuge什么意思 subterfuge的意思 subterfuge的翻译 subterfuge的解释 subterfuge的发音 subterfuge的同义词