英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:02:41



英 [ˈsʌrəgət]

美 [ˈsɜ:rəgət]



过去式: surrogated 过去分词: surrogated 现在分词: surrogating 第三人称单数: surrogates

  • 详情解释

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  • 网络解释

  • 代理人
  • 代用品
  • 代理者
  • 代表
  • 委员
  • 遗嘱检验法庭
  • 主教代表
  • 代替
  • 代理代孕者
  • 【心】代用人物
  • 代用心物
  • 遗嘱鉴定法官
  • 替代的
  • 代用的
  • 代理
  • 【律】代替
  • 代替…的地位
  • 使代理
  • 使代替


1. a person appointed to represent or act on behalf of others

Synonym: deputy

2. someone who takes the place of another person

Synonym: alternatereplacement


1. providing or receiving nurture or parental care though not related by blood or legal ties

e.g. foster parent
foster child
foster home
surrogate father

Synonym: foster

1. 代替的;代用的;代理的
You use surrogate to describe a person or thing that is given a particular role because the person or thing that should have the role is not available.

e.g. Martin had become Howard Cosell's surrogate son...
e.g. John Brown was the latest in a series of surrogate father figures in Victoria's life...

1. surrogate什么意思

1. 代用品:文章摘要:在建立双柱双ECD的GC测定有机氯农药分析方法的同莳,结合美国环境有机污染物的质量控制技术,引入了代用品(surrogate)、标样校准(CCV)等新方法,建立从样品分析前、样品预处理、样品分析过程中到数据报告的一整套有机氯农药分析QA/QC,

2. 代理人:为另一个对象的存取(access)提供一个代理人(surrogate)或(placeholder). 控制存取一个对象的理由是延迟构建或初始化对象所耗费的资源直到真正需要使用这个对象时. 例如一个文件编辑器可以含有图形对象,


3. 代理:长度13kb,次要等位基因频率是30%. 值得一提的是,7q11翻转序列与反向片段中SNP存在完美地连锁不平衡(linkage diseqmilibrium). 这可能暗示了SNP可作为疾病相关研究中翻转多态性(inversion polymorphism)代理(surrogate)的天赋.

4. surrogate的近义词

4. 超大字符集:超大字符集(Surrogate)支持包及增强型区位输入法安全更新 1.0超大字符集(Surrogate)支持包及增强型区位输入法安全更新超大字符集(Surrogate)支持包及增强型区位输入法安全更新可增强Windows 2000对超大字符集(Surrogate)的支持.

  • 经典引文

  • Psychologists who condemn hunting as a surrogate for sexual intercourse.

    出自:Times Literary Supplement
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

To help overcome these problems, a surrogate Jini architecture has been created.(为了帮助克服这些问题,已经创建了代理Jini体系结构。)
The RPG program is defining the surrogate file for update intent.(这个RPG程序正在定义代理文件以便进行更新。)
The surrogate object then becomes the device's representative on the Jini network.(这个代理对象随即成为该设备在Jini网络上的代表。)
The resulting hybrid grew into a tiny embryo known as a blastocyst, implanted into the womb of a surrogate mother, and went on to become Dolly.(由此产生的杂交后代长成了一个名为胚泡的小胚胎,被植入代孕母亲的子宫,然后变成了多莉。)
To do this, an object (or surrogate) is created to act on behalf of the device.(为做到这一点,需创建一个对象(或代理)来代表设备。)
This article described three approaches to implementing a surrogate key as primary key.(本文描述了实现作为主键的代理键的三种方法。)
She saw him as a sort of surrogate father.(在她心目中,他仿佛是能替代父亲角色的人。)
Surrogate exchange rates have their problems too.(替代汇率也有自身的问题。)
Following are the fundamentals of the Jini surrogate architecture in wireless PvC.(以下是无线pvc中jini代理体系结构的基本特点。)
Most surrogate partners live in Southern California.(大多数代理伴侣住在南加州。)
surrogate是什么意思 surrogate在线翻译 surrogate什么意思 surrogate的意思 surrogate的翻译 surrogate的解释 surrogate的发音 surrogate的同义词