英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['tækɪnəs]

美 ['tækɪnəs]


  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. tastelessness by virtue of being cheap and vulgar

Synonym: cheapnesstatsleaze

2. the property of being cohesive and sticky

Synonym: cohesivenessglueynessgluinessgumminessropinessviscidityviscidness

1. tackiness的意思

1. 黏着性:由于锡膏印着之后,还需用以承接零件的放置(Placement)与引脚的定位,故其正面的黏着性(Tackiness)与负面的坍塌性(Slump),以及原装开封后可供实际工作的时程寿命(Working Life)也均在考虑之内.

2. 粘着性:tackifier胶粘剂 | tackiness粘着性 | tackinessagent胶粘剂

3. 黏度:tachometer 转速计 | tackiness 黏度 | tag 贴纸;标记;标贴;标签

4. 胶粘性:tackifier粘附计,胶粘计 | tackiness胶粘性 | tackle组;器件,设备,装置;滑车;打浆机刀片撞击

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

To avoid problems stemming from tackiness, use compounds tailored to provide good release.(为了避免粘性问题,使用特定的化合物能够很好的释放粘性。)
The natural tackiness of this non-toxic coating over a broad temperature range captures and holds loose particles in the oven that represent potential dirt seeds.(该涂料无毒无害,具有独特粘性,能在烘房内捕获、黏附易于对喷涂造成损害的松散颗粒,细粉等杂质。)
The grip on latex gloves is not entirely from texture. Instead, manufacturers alter the finishing process by using less chlorine during chlorination to maintain surface tackiness.(爱马斯手套的抓握力并不完全来自于(手套的)纹理。(也来自于)制造商改变的最后一道工艺,在氯化过程中通过应用轻度氯洗来保证(手套)表面的粘性。)
The jointing glue for stone has the advantages of good permeability, no tackiness after curing, strong antishrinking capability, glue brightness after polishing and the like.(本发明石材勾缝胶具有如下优点:渗透性好,固化后不粘手,抗收缩能力强,打磨后胶有亮度等优点。)
This process reduces the surface tackiness of the natural rubber latex, making the gloves easier to don because they slide over hands without sticking to the skin.(这一过程削弱了(手套内侧)天然橡胶表面的粘着性,(也因为其能)使得手套能在手上滑脱而不是粘在皮肤上,能易于穿戴。)
One such active pharmaceutical ingredient susceptible to tackiness is ibuprofen.(一种这样的对黏性敏感的活性药用成分为布洛芬。)
A new hot melt automobile lamps adhesive mainly made of SIS was prepared. The influence of various factors, such as tackiness resin, wax and coupling agent were discussed.(研制了一种以SIS为基体物质的汽车热熔灯具胶,探讨了增粘树脂、蜡类、偶联剂等对热熔胶性能的影响。)
Or see the tackiness of product placement and enjoy a more expensive looking video?(或者看产品物位置和享受更昂贵的看录像怎么样?。)
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