1. (chemical analysis) a counterweight used in chemical analysis
consists of an empty container that counterbalances the weight of the container holding chemicals
2. the weight of a motor vehicle, railroad car, or aircraft without its fuel or cargo
3. weedy annual grass often occurs in grainfields and other cultivated land
seeds sometimes considered poisonous
Synonym: darnelbearded darnelcheatLolium temulentum
4. any of several weedy vetches grown for forage
5. an adjustment made for the weight of the packaging in order to determine the net weight of the goods
1. 皮重:每个集装器应有以下标记:集装器的识别代码、最大毛重(MGW)、准确的皮重(TARE)和制造厂家的数据标牌,
2. 放姓氏袋袋的那个护具:Taiatari 身体的碰撞 | Tare 放姓氏袋袋的那个护具 | Tenogui 头巾
3. tare:telemetry automatic reduction equipment; 遥测自动缩影设备
4. tare:transistor analysis recording equipment; 晶体管分析记录设备
5. tare:telegraph automatic relay equipment; 电报自动中继设备
When the harvest is gleaned the evil tares will be separated from the good wheat.
出自:M. L. KingWeight of each unit is approximately 39 tonnes tare with seats for 84 passengers.
出自:Railway Magazine