英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 21:27:10



英 [teə(r)]

美 [ter]




过去式: tared 过去分词: tared 现在分词: taring 第三人称单数: tares

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. (chemical analysis) a counterweight used in chemical analysis
consists of an empty container that counterbalances the weight of the container holding chemicals

2. the weight of a motor vehicle, railroad car, or aircraft without its fuel or cargo

3. weedy annual grass often occurs in grainfields and other cultivated land
seeds sometimes considered poisonous

Synonym: darnelbearded darnelcheatLolium temulentum

4. any of several weedy vetches grown for forage

5. an adjustment made for the weight of the packaging in order to determine the net weight of the goods

1. 皮重:每个集装器应有以下标记:集装器的识别代码、最大毛重(MGW)、准确的皮重(TARE)和制造厂家的数据标牌,

2. 放姓氏袋袋的那个护具:Taiatari 身体的碰撞 | Tare 放姓氏袋袋的那个护具 | Tenogui 头巾


3. tare:telemetry automatic reduction equipment; 遥测自动缩影设备

4. tare:transistor analysis recording equipment; 晶体管分析记录设备


5. tare:telegraph automatic relay equipment; 电报自动中继设备

  • 经典引文

  • When the harvest is gleaned the evil tares will be separated from the good wheat.

    出自:M. L. King
  • Weight of each unit is approximately 39 tonnes tare with seats for 84 passengers.

    出自:Railway Magazine
What tare you doing there? I'm going hiking in the mountains.(你在那里要做什么?罟我要在山区里远足。)
What tare your strengths and weaknesses?(你的优点和缺点各是什么?)
The partnership of Royal, Simon, and Tare sells its business to the North Corporation.(罗亚尔、西蒙和塔特准备将其合伙企业出售给北方公司。)
What tare your major and minor subjects?(你的主修课和副课都是些什么??。)
What tare your reasons for applying to our University in particular?(申请我们学校,你有什么特别的理由吗??)
What tare the most important skills for the job?(对这份工作来说最重要的能力是什么??)
What tare you gonna buy for your son for Christmas?(圣诞节你要买什么给你儿子当礼物??。)
To determine or indicate the tare of, especially to weigh in order to find out the tare.(测定或标出…的皮重,尤指为了算出此重而去称…的重量。)
What tare the requirements for appearance in social communication occasions?(社交场合的仪容要求是什么?)
What tare the next steps of interviewing process?(面试的下一步流程是什么?)
tare是什么意思 tare在线翻译 tare什么意思 tare的意思 tare的翻译 tare的解释 tare的发音 tare的同义词