英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 18:45:48



英 [ˈtɜ:mɪnəs]

美 [ˈtɜ:rmɪnəs]


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名词复数: terminuses

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  • 终点
  • 终点站
  • 界标
  • 界限
  • 目标
  • 边界
  • 界石
  • 终点港
  • 终点城镇
  • 【罗神】护界神
  • 末端
  • 极限
  • 界桩
  • 界柱
  • 目的
  • 【罗神】忒耳弥努斯(界标之神)


1. station where transport vehicles load or unload passengers or goods

Synonym: terminaldepot

2. either end of a railroad or bus route

3. (architecture) a statue or a human bust or an animal carved out of the top of a square pillar
originally used as a boundary marker in ancient Rome

Synonym: terminal figureterm

4. the ultimate goal for which something is done

Synonym: destination

5. a place where something ends or is complete

Synonym: end pointendpointtermination

1. (公共汽车、火车的)终点站
On a bus or train route, the terminus is the last stop, where the bus or train turns round or starts a journey in the opposite direction.


e.g. ...the London terminus of the Channel Tunnel rail link.

1. 终点站:这两部电影分别是1965年的<>(Darling)和1971年的<>(Sunday Bloody Sunday,获当年最佳女主角等三项奖). 另外,他在1962年导演的记录短片<>(Terminus)获得当年英国电影学院的最佳短片奖.

2. 终点:1960年导演的短片<>(Terminus)获1961年戛纳电影节最佳短片奖. 1962年,约翰导演了第一部剧情长片<>,获得柏林影展银熊奖,被认为是英国最有前途的年轻导演之一,1967年,约翰导演的<>获同年美国国际论坛杂志的最佳影片奖.


3. 终点站<<他们老死>>到终点站了=他们老死:finger-手指<>手指分根儿 | terminus-终点站<>到终点站了=他们老死 | toilet-厕所<>-在厕所脱衣来特殊的地方

From Zigong passenger transport terminus, there are nearly ten buses daily running to Leshan and two buses to Dazu County.(自贡每天大约有10班车开往乐山,2班车开往大足。)
In his deepest depression he felt he'd arrived at a terminus.(在他最抑郁的时候,他感觉自己已经走到头了。)
Of that day, doomed to be her terminus in time through all the ages, she did not know the place in month, week, season, or year.(但是在岁月的长河中要注定成为她的人生终点的那一天,她却不知道它究竟在哪一个月,在哪一个星期,在哪一个季节,在哪一年。)
Gnea and Bela were off to the right, along a section of curved, featureless wall just short of a second corridor terminus.(妮雅和贝拉滚到了右边,挨着一块弯曲的毫无特点的墙面,正好离第二个走廊的尽头不远。)
However, the trams that glide every few minutes along the new line pass through green fields to a deserted rural terminus.(不过,沿新线路滑行的电车每隔几分钟就会穿过碧绿的田野,到达一处废弃的农村终点站。)
The terminus of the Crane Glacier extends into the bay like a fan.(克兰冰川(CraneGlacier)的扇形的尾端延伸到海湾中。)
The train has arrived the terminus, please remember to bring all of your belongings with you and keep the train clean. Thank you!(列车已到达终点站,请带走你嘅随身物品,并保持车厢清洁,多谢合作!(九铁格式女声)!)
The next station is Hung Hom Terminus.(下一站是红磡终点站。)
The station I was bound for was the terminus of the line.(我要到达的车站是这条线的终点。)
The discovery followed a dig ahead of building work for the ChannelTunnel Rail Link's new London terminus.(这副假牙是人们在“英吉利海峡隧道联络线工程”伦敦新终点站修建工作开始前的一次挖掘中发现的。)
terminus是什么意思 terminus在线翻译 terminus什么意思 terminus的意思 terminus的翻译 terminus的解释 terminus的发音 terminus的同义词