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更新时间:2025-03-10 21:24:52



英 [ˈθɪərɪst]

美 [ˈθi:ərɪst]



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  • 理论家
  • 学说创立人
  • 空论家
  • 理论工作者
  • 空谈家


1. someone who theorizes (especially in science or art)

Synonym: theoreticiantheorizertheoriseridealogue

1. 理论家;提出理论的人
A theorist is someone who develops an abstract idea or set of ideas about a particular subject in order to explain it.

e.g. ...theorists unaligned with any particular doctrine.


1. 理论家:该问卷共设计80道问题,根据学生对不同问题的回答,将其分为积极参与者(Activist)、反思者(Reflector)、理论家(Theorist)、实用主义者(Pragmatist)四种不同的学习风格类型.

2. theorist

2. 理论家,空想家:246.arborist 树木培植家 | theorist 理论家,空想家 | allegorist 寓言作家,讽喻家

3. theorist的意思

3. 理论家; 空谈家 (名):theoretician 精通于理论的人, 理论家 (名) | theorist 理论家; 空谈家 (名) | theorization 理论的设立及应用; 理论化 (名)

  • 经典引文

  • Political theorists stressed the power of good laws to change society.

    出自:V. Cronin
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Well, maybe what the soul theorist would have to do at this point is accept the — da-ta-da — the no branching rule.(在这一点上也许灵魂理论者必须,也接受无分支规则。)
And if the best the soul theorist can say is, "I can't explain it and neither can you," that's not a reason to believe this side.(如果灵魂理论者最多只能说,我不能解释,你也不能,这不是一个相信灵魂存在的理由。)
Something analogised, this to be said by the personality theorist.(人格论学者说的理论,也是这个道理。)
In the 18th century, the English philosopher and social theorist Jeremy Bentham designed the Panopticon, a hypothetical prison.(在18实际,英国的思想家,社会理论家JeremyBentham设计了“圆形监狱”,一种假定的监狱。)
One of Mr Werning’s ambitions is to unite Ramsey’s work with that of another elegant theorist, Sir James Mirrlees.(Werning先生的志向之一就是把拉姆赛的理论和另一位一流的理论家詹姆斯•莫里斯的理论结合起来。)
It is the starting point to which the theorist returns after every ingenious excursion.(它是理论家在每一次巧妙的旅行之后返回的出发点。)
Sheldon is a string theorist, and string theory also predicts the existence of magnetic monopoles.(Sheldon是搞弦论的理论物理学家,而弦论也预言了磁单极子的存在。)
But in the abnormal case, the personality theorist needs to say, or so it seems to me, the two deaths come apart.(但在特殊情况下,人格主义者要说,这两者的死亡是分开的。)
Lane was not merely a theorist, but an activist as well.(莱茵不仅是一个理论家,也是一个实践家。)
Matthew Rabin, at the University of California, Berkeley, is widely recognised as a leading behavioural theorist.(加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的马修·拉宾(MatthewRabin)被广泛认为是主要的行为理论家。)
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