英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˌθɪəˈretɪkl]

美 [ˌθi:əˈretɪkl]


副词: theoretically 异体字: theoretic

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  • 假设的
  • 推理的
  • 理论(上)的
  • 非应用的
  • 好理论的
  • 精于理论的
  • 学理上的
  • 纯理论的
  • 空论的
  • 不算数的
  • 理论的 based on or concerning theory, not practical experience
  • 推想的,假设的 existing only in theory not in practice



1. concerned primarily with theories or hypotheses rather than practical considerations

e.g. theoretical science

Synonym: theoretic

2. concerned with theories rather than their practical applications

e.g. theoretical physics

1. (研究、解释)理论的,理论性的
A theoretical study or explanation is based on or uses the ideas and abstract principles that relate to a particular subject, rather than the practical aspects or uses of it.

e.g. ...theoretical physics.

2. 理论上的;推想的
If you describe a situation as a theoretical one, you mean that although it is supposed to be true or to exist in the way stated, it may not in fact be true or exist in that way.

e.g. This is certainly a theoretical risk but in practice there is seldom a problem...
e.g. These fears are purely theoretical.

1. 理论:实际上,如果考虑电影的艺术(artistic)、理论(theoretical)与技术(technical)层面(aspects),通常使用film一词,例如在大学课堂上. Movie一词更多地指电影的娱乐(entertainment)与商业(commercial)层面(aspects),例如在约会中.

2. 理论化学:. . Physical | 物理化学 (2007) | . . Theoretical | 理论化学(2007) | Computer Science | 计算机科学 (2008)

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • It's a theoretical matter as well as a practical one.
  • It's only a theoretical possibility.
  • No ready solution is availablesnot even a..theoretical formulation which disregards all practical difficulties.

    出自:J. W. Krutch
  • The Greek genius for theoretical and abstract mathematics.

    出自:M. Kline
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 直接源自晚期拉丁语的theoreticus,意为理论的;最初源自希腊语的theoretikos,意为与理论有关的。
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Unless it is applied to real experiences, book knowledge remains theoretical and, in the end, is useless.(除非把书本知识应用到实践中去,否则它仍然停留在理论层面,这样最终就毫无用处。)
This diagram is, I think, the most famous diagram in all of the financial theories and it's actually the first theoretical diagram.(我认为这张图表,是金融学理论中最有名的一幅图了,它也是第一幅理论图形。)
This limitation derives from Nakane's methodology—that of oral history—which cannot substitute for a broader theoretical or comparative perspective.(口述历史这种局限性源于Nakane的方法,这不能取代更广泛的理论或比较视角。)
There is a time-lag between theoretical research and practical applications.(理论研究和实际应用之间存在时滞。)
The dominant theoretical model of leadership at the moment is, apparently, the "transformational leadership pattern".(显然,目前领导者的主导理论模型是“变革型领导模式”。)
Clark refutes the extremes of the constructivists by both theoretical and empirical arguments.(克拉克以理论和经验的论据驳斥了建构主义者的极端观点。)
Winning the Albert Einstein Award is the highest achievement in theoretical physics.(获得爱因斯坦奖是在理论物理学能达到的最高成就。)
Theoretical optimizations show that the equilibrium geometries of the three picolinic acid molecules are planar.(理论优化表明,三个吡啶甲酸分子都具有平面的平衡构型。)
One way of solving this theoretical difficulty is to assume a delay of thousands of years while the solar effects overcome the inertia of the earth's climate.(解决这一理论难题的一种方法是假设太阳效应克服地球气候的惯性时,地球会延迟数千年。)
The course is essentially theoretical in orientation.(该课程的目标基本上是理论性的。)
theoretical是什么意思 theoretical在线翻译 theoretical什么意思 theoretical的意思 theoretical的翻译 theoretical的解释 theoretical的发音 theoretical的同义词