Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel.
记录你的努力, 写下你的感受。
形容词: trackable 名词: tracker 过去式: tracked 过去分词: tracked 现在分词: tracking 第三人称单数: tracks
1. the act of participating in an athletic competition involving running on a track
Synonym: running
2. a course over which races are run
Synonym: racetrackracecourseraceway
3. any road or path affording passage especially a rough one
Synonym: cart trackcartroad
4. a bar or pair of parallel bars of rolled steel making the railway along which railroad cars or other vehicles can roll
Synonym: railrailsrunway
5. a pair of parallel rails providing a runway for wheels
6. a groove on a phonograph recording
7. (computer science) one of the circular magnetic paths on a magnetic disk that serve as a guide for writing and reading data
Synonym: data track
8. an endless metal belt on which tracked vehicles move over the ground
Synonym: caterpillar trackcaterpillar tread
9. evidence pointing to a possible solution
e.g. the police are following a promising lead
the trail led straight to the perpetrator
Synonym: leadtrail
10. a distinct selection of music from a recording or a compact disc
e.g. he played the first cut on the cd
the title track of the album
Synonym: cut
11. a line or route along which something travels or moves
e.g. the hurricane demolished houses in its path
the track of an animal
the course of the river
Synonym: pathcourse
1. make tracks upon
2. travel across or pass over
e.g. The caravan covered almost 100 miles each day
Synonym: traversecovercrosspass overget overget acrosscut throughcut across
3. go after with the intent to catch
e.g. The policeman chased the mugger down the alley
the dog chased the rabbit
Synonym: chasechase aftertrailtailtaggive chasedoggo after
4. carry on the feet and deposit
e.g. track mud into the house
5. observe or plot the moving path of something
e.g. track a missile
1. 小道;小径
A track is a narrow road or path.
e.g. We set off once more, over a rough mountain track.
2. 跑道;赛道
A track is a piece of ground, often oval-shaped, that is used for races involving athletes, cars, bicycles, horses, or dogs called greyhounds.
e.g. The two men turned to watch the horses going round the track.
e.g. ...the athletics track.
3. 铁轨;轨道
Railway tracks are the rails that a train travels along.
e.g. A woman fell on to the tracks.
4. (CD、唱片或磁带上的一首)歌曲,乐曲
A track is one of the songs or pieces of music on a CD, record, or tape.
e.g. Graeme Naysmith has produced two of the ten tracks on this album.
5. 足迹;踪迹
Tracks are marks left in the ground by the feet of animals or people.
e.g. The only evidence of pandas was their tracks in the snow...
e.g. McKee suddenly noticed tire tracks on the bank ahead.
6. 跟踪;追踪
If you track animals or people, you try to follow them by looking for the signs that they have left behind, for example the marks left by their feet.
e.g. He thought he had better track this wolf and kill it...
e.g. I followed him, tracking him in the snow until finally he got tired.
7. (以卫星、雷达等)追踪…的动向
To track someone or something means to follow their movements by means of a special device, such as a satellite or radar.
e.g. Our radar began tracking the jets...
e.g. Forecasters are also tracking hurricane Josephine.
8. 追踪调查;探究
If you track someone or something, you investigate them, because you are interested in finding out more about them.
e.g. If it's possible, track the rumour back to its origin...
e.g. The player is being tracked by Juventus.
9. (同等年龄、能力的孩子组成的)班级,班组
In a school, a track is a group of children of the same age and ability who are taught together.
10. 把(学生)按能力分班(或组)
To track students means to divide them into groups according to their ability.
e.g. Students are already being tracked.
11. see also: backtrack;fast track;racetrack;sidetrack;soundtrack;title track
12. 掩盖行踪;隐匿身份(或活动)
If someone covers their tracks, they hide or destroy evidence of their identity or their actions, because they want to keep them secret.
e.g. He covered his tracks, burnt letters and diaries...
e.g. The killer may have returned to the scene of the crime to cover his tracks.
13. 占优势;处于有利地位;了解内情
If you say that someone has the inside track, you mean that they have an advantage, for example special knowledge about something.
e.g. Denver has the inside track among 10 sites being considered...
丹佛在 10 个被考虑的地点之中具有优势。
e.g. As an agent, you may have an inside track when good deals become available.
14. 跟上…的进展;掌握…的最新消息
If you keep track of a situation or a person, you make sure that you have the newest and most accurate information about them all the time.
e.g. With eleven thousand employees, it's very difficult to keep track of them all...
对于一支 1.1 万人的员工队伍,很难及时了解到所有有人的动态。
e.g. It's hard to keep track of time in here.
15. 跟不上…的进展;不再掌握…的最新情况
If you lose track of someone or something, you no longer know where they are or what is happening.
e.g. You become so deeply absorbed in an activity that you lose track of time...
e.g. It's so easy to lose track of who's playing who and when.
16. (匆匆)离开
If you make tracks, you leave the place where you are, especially when you are in a hurry.
e.g. We'd better make tracks soon, hadn't we?
17. 在正确的轨道上
If someone or something is on track, they are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in success.
e.g. It may take some time to get the British economy back on track...
e.g. David put me back on track…
18. 追踪;追查;探究
If you are on the track of someone or something, you are trying to find them, or find information about them.
e.g. He was on the track of an escaped criminal...
e.g. The research institute is on the track of what causes the artery damage.
19. 循着正确/错误的路线;在正确/错误的道路上
If you are on the right track, you are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in success. If you are on the wrong track, you are acting or progressing in a way that is likely to result in failure.
e.g. Guests are returning in increasing numbers — a sure sign that we are on the right track...
e.g. We need a convincing win to put us back on the right track…
20. (使)突然止步,突然停下
If someone or something stops you in your tracks, or if you stop dead in your tracks, you suddenly stop moving because you are very surprised, impressed, or frightened.
e.g. This magnificent church cannot fail to stop you in your tracks…
e.g. They stopped in their tracks and stared at him in amazement…
21. (使)立即停止,立即中断
If someone or something stops a process or activity in its tracks, or if it stops dead in its tracks, they prevent the process or activity from continuing.
e.g. Francis felt he would like to stop this conversation in its tracks…
e.g. U.S. manufacturers may find the export boom stopping dead in its tracks.
22. off the beaten track -> see beaten
相关词组:track down
1. 磁道:一个字是由两(10) 数据字段的3 2位错误校验码( E C C )多项式.允许1 6位段错误检测和8位段错误校(1) 面数(Side) 只能用一面存储信息的软盘为单面盘,或称该面为第0面.可以用两面存(2) 磁道( Track) 磁道是以盘片为中心的一组同心圆,
2. track的解释
2. 赛道:只能在赛道 (Track) 上继续行走但不能在行车线 (Racing Line) 上行走. 1. 能在赛道上继续及行车线 (Racing Line) 行走.
3. 跑道:field意为田地、运动场,而比赛时应是沿着一定路径、跑道(track)跑的,而不是在田地或运动场(field)上无规则地跑,故D也不可选. 而应该是羊跑时,把食物放在路的另一边,故答案选C. 最后一句得出的结论是人们显然在这天的比赛中很高兴,
A:This will be your office here.
B:A corner office? Really? Wow, this is great!
A:We try to give everyone in the upper management team a nice office. After all, you will be spending a lot of time in here.
B:I suppose so. It’s great.
A:On Monday, we’ll give you the keys to the company car. You can use it for personal use, but make sure to keep track of the gas you use. We’ll reimburse you for the upkeep and the gas you use for business.
B:Is there a coffee machine around here?
A:Yes, we have a coffee machine and some other beverages in the break room.
B:Where’s that again?
A:It’s just down the hall, the fourth door on your right.
B:Got it.
A:You can always call me if you need anything and I will get it for you. That’s one of my duties as your personal assistant.
1. on the wrong track : 不对劲的, 离题的;
2. on the right track : 对劲的, 未离题的;
The walls..tapestried with the tracks of snails.
出自:DickensHe was beginning to weep, and..wet tracks gleamed on his face.
出自:R. SilverbergMisfortunes which track my footsteps like slot-hounds.
出自:Sir W. ScottEvery..aircraft flying over Europe can be tracked by radar.
出自:Daily TelegraphYou track me, you spy on me.
出自:M. BradburyDuring a head turn the eyes often track a single point.
出自:Scientific AmericanTracking..the boat was impossible, for the banks were perpendicular mud.
出自:M. H. Mason词语用法
误 We must read the papers so as to keep track with world affairs.
正 We must read the papers so as to keep track of world affairs.
析 keep track of是固定用法,介词of不能改为with。
Keep track of your efforts and write down how you feel.
记录你的努力, 写下你的感受。