英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈtremjələs]

美 [ˈtrɛmjələs]


副词: tremulously 名词: tremulousness

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 颤抖的
  • 胆小的
  • 歪斜的
  • 害怕的
  • 发抖的手所作的
  • 震颤的
  • 战栗的
  • 怯懦的
  • 使打颤的
  • 好像发抖一样的
  • 颤抖着写的
  • 神经过敏的
  • 抖抖嗦嗦的
  • 犹豫不定的


1. (of the voice) quivering as from weakness or fear

e.g. the old lady's quavering voice
spoke timidly in a tremulous voice

Synonym: quavering

1. (声音或动作)震颤的,颤抖的,打战的;(笑容)怯生生的,不自然的
If someone's voice, smile, or actions are tremulous, they are unsteady because the person is uncertain, afraid, or upset.

e.g. She fidgeted in her chair as she took a deep, tremulous breath.

'He was so good to me,' she said tremulously.

1. tremulous的解释

1. 震颤的:tremor 震动 | tremulous 震颤的 | tremulously 发抖地


2. 发抖的:tremendous 很大的 | tremulous 发抖的 | trench 渠沟

3. 颤抖的:Unyielding 不屈服的,坚硬的 | Tremulous 颤抖的 | Fickle 轻浮的,反复无常的

4. tremulous是什么意思

4. 战栗的:挣起 prop up | 战栗的 tremulous | 大声地呼叫 exclaim

  • 经典引文

  • His barkings loud..Amid their tremulous bleat.

  • The tremulous hand of age.

    出自:W. Watson
  • A slim, tremulous young man who barely dares to touch his creation.

    出自:G. Daly
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The old man's voice had become at once tremulous.(老人的声音一下子变得颤抖了。)
The owner objected in a tremulous voice, pointing out that Dahlmann was unarmed.(店主声音颤抖地反对说,达尔曼没有武器。)
The fabric of her life, of all that constituted her, quivered and grew tremulous.(她生命的机制、她整个的结构都不禁震动、战栗起来。)
Though the tremulous note may die in your throat(震颤的音符在喉头阻梗)
'Yes, Sir,' replied Oliver, in a low, tremulous voice.(“是,先生。”奥立弗哆哆嗦嗦地低声答道。)
She fidgeted in her chair as she took a deep, tremulous breath.(她在椅子上坐立不安,轻颤着深吸了一口气。)
I asked, with a very tremulous voice.(我用颤抖的声音问。)
Grasp it, sense it-tremulous and tender…(握紧它,感觉它——潺潺似水,夜色温柔。)
He was in a state of tremulous excitement.(他激动得直发抖。)
Gerald's kisses still burned on her lips and the touch of his hands was tremulous on her arms.(杰拉尔德的吻仍然在她嘴唇上发烧,他双手的接触仍在她手臂上传流。)
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