英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [trend]

美 [trɛnd]



过去式: trended 过去分词: trended 现在分词: trending 第三人称单数: trends

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  • (变化)趋势,趋向,倾向,动向,走向,动态
  • 时尚,潮流,流行
  • 方位,方向
  • 意向
  • 问题
  • 转机
  • 《趋势》季刊
  • 伸向,延伸
  • 折向,转向
  • 趋向,倾向
  • 走向,通向
  • 侧向
  • 向…方向
  • 采取…倾向,具有...倾向
  • [C]趋势,倾向 general tendency or direction
  • [C]流行 a fashion or style



1. the popular taste at a given time

e.g. leather is the latest vogue
he followed current trends
the 1920s had a style of their own

Synonym: voguestyle

2. a general tendency to change (as of opinion)

e.g. not openly liberal but that is the trend of the book
a broad movement of the electorate to the right

Synonym: driftmovement

3. general line of orientation

e.g. the river takes a southern course
the northeastern trend of the coast

Synonym: course

4. a general direction in which something tends to move

e.g. the shoreward tendency of the current
the trend of the stock market

Synonym: tendency


1. turn sharply
change direction abruptly

e.g. The car cut to the left at the intersection
The motorbike veered to the right

Synonym: swervesheercurveveerslueslewcut

1. 趋势;倾向;动向
A trend is a change or development towards something new or different.

e.g. This is a growing trend.
e.g. ...a trend towards part-time employment.

2. 规范;风尚;时尚
To set a trend means to do something that becomes accepted or fashionable, and that a lot of other people copy.


e.g. The record has already proved a success and may well start a trend.


1. 倾向:最好在确认问题的原因前,先确定误差的类型. 再对系统误差中的漂移(shift)或倾向(trend)分类,可能更有帮助.

2. trend在线翻译

2. 流行趋势:2) 流行趋势(trend) 流行的方向及趋势3) 流行的生命周期(fashion life cycle)引进、成长、尖峰、衰退(23天左右,延长生命周期的方式,上新货,上货的频率高了,低折扣的销售周期就会延长.

3. 走向:发表于: 6/15/2009 16:06 发表主题: 加元(CAD) 对美元(USD)近期 升降走向(trend)分析加元(CAD) 对美元(USD)近期 升降走向(trend)分析:本人预计加元(CAD) 对美元(USD)有可能降到: 加元(CAD) 对美元(USD)=0.87

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    开风气之先,带领新潮流start a style, practice, fashion, etc. that others copy

1. set the trend : 创立新式样, 推广新风尚, 开始风行;

  • The rise in violent crime is a disturbing new trend.
  • Can anything be done to reverse this trend?
  • The trend at the moment is towards a more natural and less made-up look.
用作名词 (n.)
  • Their path lay along the coast trending round to the west.

    出自:J. R. Green
  • The whole stream trended off in this new direction.

    出自:T. Hardy
  • The ground trended steadily upward.

    出自:K. Roberts
  • Between the two faults are several cross faults..trending NW/SE.

    出自:Caves Caving
  • 词源解说

  • ☆ 1598年进入英语,直接源自中古英语的trenden,意为使倒转,转动;最初源自古英语的trenden。
  • 高考真题例句

高考真题例句 OG 1.trend

Yet there is evidence suggesting that the trend is growing.

然而, 有迹象表明, 这一趋势正在加剧。


It is a trend that shows no sign of slowing.(这一趋势说明没有放缓迹象。)
The trend of prices is still upwards.(物价的趋向是仍在上涨。)
This is a growing trend.(这是一个不断增长的趋势。)
The collaborative trend is true across scientific disciplines.(跨科学领域的协作趋势是真实存在的。)
When Pemberton created his drink, it represented an ongoing trend.(当彭伯顿创造他的饮料时,它代表了一种持续的趋势。)
There are two key factors behind this trend.(这一趋势背后有两个关键因素。)
The long-term trend has been downwards.(长期趋势呈下降态势。)
The development of an early-warning system has reversed that trend.(早期预警系统的发展扭转了这一趋势。)
Such a trend is badly needed.(这种趋势是非常必要的。)
Japan is ahead of the curve when it comes to this trend.(在这一趋势上,日本走在了前面。)
trend是什么意思 trend在线翻译 trend什么意思 trend的意思 trend的翻译 trend的解释 trend的发音 trend的同义词