英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:44:47



英 [ˈtrespəs]

美 [ˈtrɛspəs, -ˌpæs]



名词: trespasser 过去式: trespassed 过去分词: trespassed 现在分词: trespassing 第三人称单数: trespasses

  • 详情解释

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  • 罪过
  • 冒犯
  • 打扰
  • 侵害诉讼
  • 妨碍
  • 违背
  • 擅自进入
  • 【律】非法侵入
  • 侵害行为
  • 侵入
  • 【体】非法侵入
  • 侵入(私人)房屋
  • 干犯
  • 叨扰
  • 侵扰
  • 非法侵入(他人土地)
  • 侵害
  • 非法进入
  • 【律】侵入
  • 侵犯
  • 违犯
  • 违规
  • 侵害
  • 侵占
  • 干犯天理
  • 犯罪
  • 破坏
  • 叨扰
  • 打扰
  • 妨碍
  • 到处乱闯
  • 非法侵入
  • 擅自进入
  • 做错事
  • 滥用
  • 不公正地利用
  • 未经许可进入私人土地
  • 侵夺
  • 擅入
  • 做坏事
  • 违法
  • 侵入私宅
  • 冒犯



1. entry to another's property without right or permission

Synonym: encroachmentviolationintrusionusurpation

2. a wrongful interference with the possession of property (personal property as well as realty), or the action instituted to recover damages


1. pass beyond (limits or boundaries)

Synonym: transgressoverstep

2. commit a sin
violate a law of God or a moral law

Synonym: sintransgress

3. break the law

4. make excessive use of

e.g. You are taking advantage of my good will!
She is trespassing upon my privacy

Synonym: take advantage

5. enter unlawfully on someone's property

e.g. Don't trespass on my land!

Synonym: intrude

1. 擅自进入,非法侵入(他人土地)
If someone trespasses, they go onto someone else's land without their permission.


e.g. They were trespassing on private property...
e.g. You're trespassing!

Trespassers will be prosecuted.

2. 干涉;妨碍;插手
If you say that someone is trespassing on something, you mean that they are involving themselves in something that is not their concern.


e.g. They were acting to prevent the state from trespassing on family matters such as sex education.

1. 侵犯:普通法:侵权法(torts)、妨害(nuisance)、侵犯(trespass)、过失(negligence)、公共托管原则(doctrine of public trust)等由司法判例形成的普通法也适用于有关环境保护领域;

2. 非法侵入,扰乱:9. dislodge 赶走 | 10. charge 冲锋,向前冲 | 11. trespass 非法侵入,扰乱

  • 经典引文

  • Be plainer with me; let me know my trespass.

    出自:Winter's Tale,Shakespeare
  • If yee forgiue not men their trespasses, neither will your father forgiue your trespasses.

    出自:Bible (AV): Matthew
  • I trespassed lately worse than ever.

  • We were to forgive those that trespass against us.

    出自:W. Plomer
If you trespass on my land, I can throw you out.(如果你非法侵入我的土地,我可以将你扔出去。)
To get FSC certification, companies need to prevent such trespass.(为了获得森林管理委员会的认证,伐木公司需要阻止这些土地侵夺的行为。)
I mustn't trespass on your time any longer.(我不能再占用你的时间了。)
You could be prosecuted for trespass.(你可能会因擅自闯入而被起诉。)
If those youths trespass on my land again, I shall be ready for them.(要是那些年轻人再来侵犯我的土地,我就准备收拾他们。)
They forgive the people who trespass against them.(他们总是宽恕冒犯他们的人。)
The basis of liability for animal trespass is possession and control.(动物侵扰责任的基础是占有和控制。)
He set the dogs on the trespass er.(他唆使狗攻击侵入者。)
If damage is caused by encroachment or the trespass, the possessor shall have the right to request compensation.(因侵占或者妨害造成损害的,占有人有权请求损害赔偿。)
Them that they trespass not against the LORD, and so wrath come upon you, and upon your.(警戒他们,免得他们得罪耶和华,以致他的忿怒临到你们和你们的弟兄。)
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