英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-12-16 21:36:41



英 [ˈtrɪbjətri]

美 [ˈtrɪbjəteri]



名词复数: tributaries

  • 详情解释

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  • 纳贡的
  • 从属的
  • 支流的
  • 辅助的
  • 补助的
  • 支流
  • 附庸国
  • 进贡国
  • 进贡者
  • 藩属


1. a branch that flows into the main stream

Synonym: feederconfluentaffluent


1. tending to bring about
being partly responsible for

e.g. working conditions are not conducive to productivity
the seaport was a contributing factor in the growth of the city
a contributory factor

Synonym: conducivecontributing(a)contributivecontributory

2. paying tribute

e.g. a tributary colony

3. (of a stream) flowing into a larger stream

1. 支流
A tributary is a stream or river that flows into a larger one.

e.g. ...the Napo river, a tributary of the Amazon.
e.g. …a small tributary river.

1. (江河的)支流:canal 运河,沟渠,水道 | tributary (江河的)支流 | coast 海岸

2. 支流电路:trial version 试用版 | tributary 支流电路 | tributary station 支流站

3. 进贡的:tribune 讲坛 | tributary 进贡的 | tribute 礼物

  • 经典引文

  • As far independent as a tributary prince could be.

This Amazon River tributary snakes through one of the last tropical rainforests on Earth.(亚马逊河蜿蜒流过地球上最后的热带雨林之一。)
Lake Ontario tributary chinook salmon takes a moment to pose for the camera before this release. Photo by Brian Bradfiled.(一条安大列湖支流钓获的奇努克鲑,放流之前在水中的照片。)
The Pelly River is a Yukon tributary and site of the territory's first homestead.(佩利河是育空河的支流,也是育空河流域最早开发出来的田园。)
The Conestoga River (also referred to as the Conestoga Creek) is a tributary of the Susquehanna River that flows through the center of Lancaster County.(康内斯托加河(又名康内斯托加湾)是流经兰卡斯特县的萨斯奎哈纳河的一条支流。)
Situated on the Banks of the Danning river, a tributary north of the Yangtze, lies the ancient village of Dachang.(大昌古镇座落于长江北部支流大宁河的沿岸。)
36a fisherman paddles his canoe through dead fish along Manaquiri River, a tributary of the Amazon, near the city of Manaquiri, November 28, 2009.(2009年11月28日,Manaquiri市附近的亚马逊支流,Manaquiri河,一名渔民划着小舟通过满是鱼类尸体的河道。)
The main urban area locates in the north of Hun River, a major tributary of the Liao River.(主要市区位于柬埔寨北部的河,主要支流辽河。)
Is a tributary of the Brahmaputra's largest.(是雅鲁藏布江最大的一条支流。)
Mi-(mì) LUO Jiang-Xiangbei in the Xiangjiang River is the largest tributary.(汨(mì)罗江是湘江在湘北的最大支流。)
On a Yangtze tributary, the silt-clouded Han River, freight junks with worn bamboo-ribbed sails breast the current.(在淤积严重的扬子江的支流汉江上,装有穿了竹子的帆的货运帆船扬帆逆流而上。)
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