英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:46:12



英 [ˈtraɪpɒd]

美 [ˈtraɪpɑ:d]


形容词: tripodal

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  • 三脚架
  • 三脚桌
  • 三脚凳
  • 三足鼎
  • 三脚台座
  • 三角桩群
  • 三脚支撑物
  • 三脚煮锅
  • 三脚用具
  • (古希腊)Delphi的青铜三脚祭坛
  • 有三角支撑的


1. a three-legged rack used for support

1. 三脚架
A tripod is a stand with three legs that is used to support something such as a camera or a telescope.


1. 三脚架:三脚架(tripod)就是一个有三只脚的装置. 其作用即是用来承载摄影机. 摄影机先连结在脚架的云头(tripodhead)上,然後再置於脚架上. 为拍摄影片所制作设计的云头能够稳定的横摇(pan)与上下摇摄(tilt,如同人点头的动作).


2. 三脚:小型三脚(Tripod)类型的扬声器你看过吗? 独特的形状时尚外形超轻的质量,让您随时随地享受音乐带来的轻松心情.

3. 鼎:Nakahara亦到访健鼎(Tripod)无锡厂. 而在去年十月,H. Nakahara亦曾到此,当时并未有迹象建造第四座厂房,但是,事隔6个月,第四座厂房已拔地而起并将近竣工. 而第五座厂房现已在酝酿中. Tripod在无锡现有的三闲厂目前生产满载.

You should always have a tripod since your photographs will come out blurry with any type of movement.(你应该常备三角架,因为任何轻微的移动都会造成照片模糊不清。)
Keep your camera motionless by using a sturdy tripod and a shutter release cord.(利用坚固的三角架和快门绳来保持你相机的稳定。)
Well madam, if you're ready, I'll set up my tripod so that we can get to work.(好了,夫人,您做好准备了吗?我要打开三脚架了,我们可以开始了。)
I once overheard someone say, "he must be a real photographer because he's using a tripod."(我曾经偶尔听到有些人说:“他一定是专业的,因为他用三脚架呢。”)
Still others contribute tripod ladders, pruning gear, and canning equipment.(还有一些贡献三脚梯子,修枝剪和灌装设备。)
Finally, he finds a tripod used to hold work lamps and places it above the mark on the floor.(最后,他找到一个用来挂工作灯的三脚架,将它放在地上所标记的位置。)
You could use a tripod and a long exposure time.(你可以用三角架,并加长曝光时间。)
It is very important that you do not move your computer or tripod during the whole process.(非常重要的是在整个过程中你千万不可移动电脑或三脚架。)
A camera must rest on a tripod when photographing fireworks.(当拍摄烟花的时候,照相机一定要固定在三脚架上。)
The beast held tightly on the tripod and pressed it into my side.(那野兽紧紧抓住三脚架,把它压在我的身上。)
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