英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 21:55:35



英 [ˈtrænsətri]

美 [ˈtrænsətɔ:ri]


副词: transitorily 名词: transitoriness

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1. lasting a very short time

e.g. the ephemeral joys of childhood
a passing fancy
youth's transient beauty
love is transitory but it is eternal
fugacious blossoms

Synonym: ephemeralpassingshort-livedtransientfugacious

1. 短暂的;转瞬即逝的;昙花一现的
If you say that something is transitory, you mean that it lasts only for a short time.

e.g. Most teenage romances are transitory.
e.g. …a sad reminder of the transitory nature of political success.

1. 短暂的:therapeutic#治疗的 | transitory#短暂的 | tumid#肿胀的


2. 短时间的 (指事):torturous 受刑的 | 47) transitory 短时间的 (指事) | transient 瞬时的 (指人)


3. 短暂的,瞬变的:transitive 传递的,过渡的 | transitory 短暂的,瞬变的 | translation 翻译,变换

Moment intervals are those elements of the domain that are transitory, such as an order in an order fulfillment system.(瞬间间隔是那些领域的短时间要素,如处于订货执行系统的一个订单。)
Both buildings are transitory, so there are constructed of sheet metal structure to be moved and relocated almost completely.(两个建筑都是临时的,因此金属薄板结构被移动,几乎完全重新安置。)
It is hypothesized that a transitory phenomenon of immunocamouflage of the graft surface antigens occurs, as shown by immunofluorescence studies.(通过免疫荧光研究我们假设该现象可能是由于移植物表明抗体出现暂时的免疫伪装。)
It is art in it's most transitory form.(这是艺术,它都是最短暂的形式。)
If the bear market in IPOs proves transitory (which is what usually happens), the harm will be small.(如果IPO的熊市是暂时的(通常情况是这样),对经济的伤害就会小得多。)
Similarly, your initial use of metadata with AOP may resemble a transitory period from OOP to AOP.(与此类似,在AOP中第一次使用元数据可能会有一个从oop到aop的类似的短暂过程。)
Most teenage romances are transitory.(大多数少年时代的罗曼史都转瞬即逝。)
But I would like this life which moves and yearns in me, to be able itself to attain to comeliness, though but in transitory performance.(但是我宁愿这个在我身体上活动着、渴望着的生命本身能够实现些许美好,哪怕只是昙花一现的表现。)
Power is transitory, only truth is permanent.(权力是短暂的,真理才是永恒的。)
Were it not for the camera and the painter, the tree might be a transitory force in our lives.(若不是相机或者绘画,这些树木也许只会是我们生命中掠过的短暂的身影。)
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