英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 23:35:40



英 [ˈtrɪviəl]

美 [ˈtrɪviəl]


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副词: trivially

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  • 普通的,平凡的,平常的,通俗的
  • 琐细的,琐碎的
  • 不重要的,无价值的,微不足道的,无足挂齿的
  • 浅薄的
  • 无能的
  • 轻浮的
  • 轻微的
  • 【生】种的
  • 简单的, 不难的
  • 琐碎的,没有价值的,没有意义的 of little worth or importance


1. (informal) small and of little importance

e.g. a fiddling sum of money
a footling gesture
our worries are lilliputian compared with those of countries that are at war
a little (or small) matter
a dispute over niggling details
limited to petty enterprises
piffling efforts
giving a police officer a free meal may be against the law, but it seems to be a picayune infraction

Synonym: fiddlingfootlinglilliputianlittlenigglingpiddlingpifflingpettypicayune

2. concerned with trivialities

e.g. a trivial young woman
a trivial mind

3. of little substance or significance

e.g. a few superficial editorial changes
only trivial objections

Synonym: superficial

1. 琐碎的;不重要的;微不足道的
If you describe something as trivial, you think that it is unimportant and not serious.

e.g. The director tried to wave aside these issues as trivial details that could be settled later...
e.g. I don't like to visit the doctor just for something trivial.

1. 微不足道的:一方面,不要求作品具备新颖性,也不要求作品是唯一的;另一方面,也不能没有任何创造性,或仅有微不足道的(trivial)创造性. 本案中,美国最高法院正是认为Rural公司电话号码薄(白页)的制作没有体现出任何创造性的成分,

2. 轻微:在本书的导论,我曾经讨论过轻微(trivial)制裁的重要性,学习习惯法的学生,不管学习层面是国际法层次或是低于国家层次,都能了解到:在某些情境下由单纯的懊恼所孕育并刺激出来的行为,将有可能在该情境下发挥制裁的功能.

  • 常用例句

  • 经典引文

  • Don't get impatient about trivial thing like that.
  • I don't like to argue with him on such trivial points.
  • There are a few trivial slips in this lesson.
  • Indulging in trivial time-passing talk.

    出自:G. Gordon
  • It would make the public think that a seat-belt offence was trivial.

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

We haven't had time. We've been too busy with trivial matters!(我们尽忙着鸡毛蒜皮的事,还没顾上呢!)
But the amounts used to be trivial.(但是邮购数量曾经很少。)
I started to notice that all the important work was given to Maggie, but the trivial stuff to me.(我开始注意到,所有重要的工作都交给了玛姬,但琐碎的事却给了我。)
His mood can be gauged by his reaction to the most trivial of incidents.(他的情绪可以通过他对最琐碎的小事的反应来判定。)
Sometimes, these decisions are trivial, such as what marmalade to buy.(有时,这些决定是微不足道的,比如买什么果酱。)
They always spar over trivial matters.(他们总是为一些小事而争吵。)
Trivial formalities have been done away with.(繁琐礼节都取消了。)
It's a trivial matter and not worth fighting about.(这是一桩小事,不值得为之争辩。)
Table manners are not trivial.(餐桌礼仪并不琐碎。)
They may be picturesque, even poetical; or they may be pedestrian, even trivial.(它们也许如画一般,甚至富有诗意;或者它们可能平庸,甚至微不足道。)
trivial是什么意思 trivial在线翻译 trivial什么意思 trivial的意思 trivial的翻译 trivial的解释 trivial的发音 trivial的同义词