英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [ˈtaɪfɔɪd]

美 [ˈtaɪˌfɔɪd]


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1. serious infection marked by intestinal inflammation and ulceration
caused by Salmonella typhosa ingested with food or water

Synonym: typhoid feverenteric fever

1. 伤寒
Typhoid or typhoid fever is a serious infectious disease that produces fever and diarrhoea and can cause death. It is spread by dirty water or food.

1. 伤寒:儿童发病率较高,夏秋季多见,经济不发达国家和地区发病率高,易引起流行.由于该病免疫力维持时间短,菌型繁多,型间无交叉免疫,以及菌型易变迁和耐药菌株的出现,菌痢的防治工作仍面临较大困难.伤寒和副伤寒(typhoid)的传染源是病人和带菌者,

2. 伤寒症:(马尼拉综合电)菲律宾首都马尼拉以南的卡兰巴市出现伤寒症(typhoid)疫情,至今已有1400多人入院治疗. 第一个病人是在2月21日入院. 自星期一以来,病人数目又增加了200多个. 卡兰巴市政府已经在星期一宣布疫区为灾区,


3. 伤寒症、伤寒的:46、malaria 疟疾、瘴气 | 47、typhoid 伤寒症、伤寒的 | 48、cholera 霍乱

4. 肠 热 病:Treatment治 疗 | Typhoid肠 热 病 | Ulcer溃 疡

When I had typhoid fever, his face got quite fat.(我得伤寒时,他的脸都变胖了许多。)
Leland Stanford Junior was just short of his 16th birthday when he died of typhoid fever in Florence, Italy on March 13, 1884.(小leland于1884年3月13日因伤寒在意大利佛罗伦萨去世时,还未满16岁。)
At an orientation meeting, the travelers were told that a visa, a landing card, and evidence of inoculation against typhoid fever would be needed by each of them.(在一次介绍会上,这些旅行者被告知每人都需要签证、入境卡和伤寒疫苗接种证明。)
An outbreak of typhoid followed.(继而爆发了伤寒。)
When children in one family contracted 10 typhoid fever 11, though feverish himself, he packed up his bed and took it to them.(当一名矿工家里的孩子感染了伤寒病时,尽管他也正发烧,但他还是收拾被褥拿去给发烧的孩子们盖。)
I was sick once - typhoid.(有一回还生了病——伤寒。)
There were also cases of hepatitis, typhoid and yellow fever.(还出现了肝炎、伤寒和黄热病病例。)
The presumptive diagnosis was typhoid fever.(推定诊断为伤寒。)
They still get cases of typhoid there.(他们那儿仍有伤寒病发生。)
Once he had rheumatic fever an' once he had typhoid.(有一次,他得了风湿病,有一次他得了伤寒。)
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