英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-07-01 23:29:03


英 [ˌʌn'krɔ:s]

美 [ˌʌn'krɔ:s]


过去式: uncrossed 过去分词: uncrossed 现在分词: uncrossing 第三人称单数: uncrosses

  • 英英释义

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1. change from a crossed to an uncrossed position

e.g. She uncrossed her legs

1. uncross的翻译

1. 不交叉:uncritical 不严厉的 | uncross 不交叉 | uncrossed 不交叉

2. 使不交叉:uncropped 未种作物的 | uncross 使不交叉 | uncrown 夺去王位

The furthest distance in the world is not you have never been in my heart, but using one's indifferent heart to dig an uncross able river for the one who loves you .(世界上最遥远的距离不是明明知道无法抵挡这股思念却还得装作丝毫没有把你放在心里,而是用自己冷漠的心对爱你的人掘了一条无法逾越的鸿沟。)
In both experiments, under no visual field advantage condition, the patients don't show any significant difference between cross and uncross hand-field combinations.(实验一和二中,病人在没有优势半球的条件下,刺激呈现视野的同侧和对侧反应用手之间没有显著差异。)
uncross是什么意思 uncross在线翻译 uncross什么意思 uncross的意思 uncross的翻译 uncross的解释 uncross的发音 uncross的同义词