英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 [ˌʌndəˈbɪd]

美 [ˌʌndərˈbɪd]


名词: underbid 过去式: underbid 过去分词: underbid 现在分词: underbidding 第三人称单数: underbids

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. bid too low

2. bid lower than a competing bidder

3. bid (a hand of cards) at less than the strength of the hand warrants

1. 叫价过低:underbelly 下腹部的 | underbid 叫价过低 | underbidden 出低价

2. 低叫:冒叫 Overbid | 低叫 Underbid | 阻击叫 Pre-emptiveBid

3. underbid

3. 投标低于他人:underbeneath 在...下 | underbid 投标低于他人 | underbid 投标低于他人

4. 喊价过低:underbid 出较低的价钱 | underbid 喊价过低 | underbid 叫牌过低

Suggestion unanswering purpose fully what if competitor underbid at sacrifice which quite possible.(你方提案目的不明,同行很有可能不惜低价抛售,那该怎么办?)
Because South Africa's retail phone rates are high, it is easy for Dabba to underbid other operators and still make a profit.(由于南非零售电话费率高,对Dabba来说话费售价低于其他运营商并仍保持利润是易于做到的。)
Just because we underbid our rivals and got a major order, they have accused us of sharp practices.(只是因为我们投标时出价低于对手得到了一个大数量的订货单,他们便指责我们有欺诈行为。)
Just because we underbid our rivals and got a major order, they have accused us of sharp practice.(只是因为我们投票时出价低于对手得到了一个大数量的订货单,他们便指责我们有欺诈行为。)
I flatter myself the beasts that perish could not underbid that, as a low form of consciousness.(我自认为,会毁灭的兽类是不可能以更便宜的方式获得那种低级的意识形式的。)
As workers compete for scarce jobs and firms underbid each other for sales, wages and prices will come under pressure.(当工人们争夺稀缺的工作,公司竞相压价,工资水平和物价将面临下行压力。)
Just because we underbid our rivals and got a major order, they have accused us of illegal business.(只是因为我们投标时出价低于对手得到了一个大笔的订货单,他们便指责我们是非法的。)
The manufacturers appear to have underbid the contracts by a wider margin than usual.(厂家对合同投的标似乎较一般低得太多。)
It is driven by collectors rather than dealers, who stockpile or underbid simply to push up prices.(这是由收藏家而非商人掌握的市场。商人们单纯地囤积居奇以哄抬画价。)
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