英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 22:15:24



英 [ˌʌnˈkempt]

美 [ʌnˈkɛmpt]


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  • 蓬乱的
  • 粗野的
  • 不整洁的
  • 未梳理的
  • (尤指头发或外貌)乱七八糟的
  • 邋遢的
  • 未梳的
  • 生硬的
  • 邋里邋遢的
  • 衣冠不整的
  • 未经雕琢的
  • 粗糙的
  • 乱蓬蓬的


1. not properly maintained or cared for

e.g. an unkempt garden
native vistas and unkempt rambling paths
an ukempt appearance

2. not neatly combed

e.g. wild unkempt hair

1. 不整洁的;未被照顾妥当的;未被收拾整齐的
If you describe something or someone as unkempt, you mean that they are untidy, and not looked after carefully or kept neat.

e.g. His hair was unkempt and filthy.
e.g. ...the unkempt grass.

1. unkempt

1. 蓬乱的:unjustly 不义地 | unkempt 蓬乱的 | unkennel 揭露

2. 邋遢的、乱七八糟:3. foreboding 预兆 | 4. unkempt 邋遢的、乱七八糟 | 5. rot 腐烂、朽坏

3. 蓬乱的/粗野的:unkeep /检修/ | unkempt /蓬乱的/粗野的/ | unkennel /从犬舍赶出/从洞穴逐出/揭露/出洞/


4. (衣服,头发)不整洁的:kempt 收拾整洁的 | unkempt (衣服,头发)不整洁的 | contempt scorn 轻视,轻蔑

  • 经典引文

  • The unkempt room..had not been cleaned for days.

    出自:F. Norris
  • The unkempt straggling / hair of the old man.

    出自:W. C. Williams
  • The..verges and banks are looking..unkempt and untidy, with long grass.

    出自:Sunday Post (Glasgow)
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

They are like junkies, with unkempt hair and beards, bad skin and poor appetites.(跟毒瘾者般,头发胡子不修,皮肤苍白,缺乏食欲。)
Who likes to see an unkempt room?(谁喜欢看到一个蓬头垢面的空间呢?)
An unkempt garden; native vistas and unkempt rambling paths.(一个乱糟糟的花园;本土的景色和凌乱的散漫的小路。)
While some faces are well tended, others are messy, dirty, and unkempt, like a garden of weeds.(当整洁面孔出现,那些像花园杂草般乱,肮脏和乱蓬蓬的胡子脸也来了。)
The star sported a greying overgrown beard with his hair looking scruffy and unkempt under a cream trilby hat.(他留着花白的杂草丛生的胡须,头发看起来也乱糟糟的未加梳理,戴着顶奶油色的毡帽。)
I have unkempt hair, I have to comb it.(我的头发蓬乱,我要梳理一下。)
Visitors who caught sight of him in New Hampshire where he lived described an unkempt recluse.(曾有访客在其居住地新罕布什尔州见过他,把他描绘成一位不修边幅的隐士。)
If you're living in a tent, it doesn't take long before you're somewhat unkempt and dirty, because you're living in the dirt.(如果你住在帐篷里,用不了你会有些蓬头垢面,因为你生活在不是很干净的地方。)
Greeley was unkempt, always looking like an unmade bed.(格里利蓬头垢面,总是看起来像一张未整理的床。)
His hair was unkempt and filthy.(他的头发没梳洗,十分脏腻。)
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