英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-17 19:58:07


英 [ˌʌndəˈpleɪ]

美 [ˌʌndərˈpleɪ]



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过去式: underplayed 过去分词: underplayed 现在分词: underplaying 第三人称单数: underplays

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  • 故意地不作充分表演
  • 【牌】扣着(大牌)不出而(故意)出小牌
  • 未充分发挥(手中大牌)的威力
  • 对…轻描淡写
  • 含蓄地扮演(角色)
  • 贬低…的重要性
  • 低调处理
  • 降低…的重要性
  • 淡化…的重要性
  • 使显得不如其实际重要
  • 表演(角色)不充分
  • 有节制地表演
  • 为了不充分显示力量而小心行事
  • 不露锋芒
  • 掩饰
  • 表演(某一角色)时尽量不过火
  • 不充分的表演
  • 暗中的活动
  • 含蓄克制的表演
  • 出小牌



1. play a card lower than (a held high card)

2. act (a role) with great restraint

Synonym: underact

1. 贬低;对…轻描淡写
If you underplay something, you make it seem less important than it really is.

e.g. We often underplay the skills we have...
e.g. The problem of alcoholism was, and still is, often underplayed.

in AM, usually use 美国英语通常用 play down

1. underplay在线翻译

1. 轻描淡写,一笔带过表演角色不充分:downplay 对...轻描淡写;贬低: | underplay 轻描淡写,一笔带过表演角色不充分 | anthropology 人类学

2. 轻描淡写:underpinning 基础 | underplay 轻描淡写 | underplot 插话

3. 不能充分发挥作用,或刻意抑制:ADA--ADAPATABILITY,适应性,对球员出国踢球的发挥影响巨大 | LEA--LEADERSHIP,领导才能,看看KAHN就知道了 | UNDERPLAY--不能充分发挥作用,或刻意抑制

Opinion polls underplay Mr Le Pen's support; almost half of respondents say they are undecided.(民意测验不能充分说明勒庞的支持度;几乎一半的受调查者声称他们尚未决定。)
The Interphone inquiry has faced criticism for including people who made just one call a week, and leaving out children, which some experts said could underplay the risks.(有批评指“对讲机”调查将那些一周只打一次电话的人也纳入调查范围之内,而且遗漏了对儿童的调查,有专家称这些可能弱化风险。)
But some observers worry the export statistics underplay China's true importance to Germany's economy - in particular to its automakers, which support a huge number of domestic suppliers.(但一些观察人士担心出口统计数据淡化了中国对德国经济的真正重要性,尤其是对德国汽车制造商的重要性,它们支撑着大批德国国内的供应商。)
To underplay the importance of money and benefits to people who work is a mistake.(低估金钱及其对职员的重要性将是一个很大的错误。)
If there are recruiters out there telling job seekers to underplay their ambitions and qualifications, then certainly I could do better.(如果有招聘人员告诉找工作的人对自己的雄心壮志和资历轻描淡写的话,那我肯定能比他们做得更好。)
If tITe are not recruiters out tITe saying job seekers to underplay theirss ambitions and qualifications, then certainly I have to do preferable.(假如有招工打工人们告诉找任务的人对本人的雄心壮志和资历轻描淡写的话,那我肯定能比她们做得更好。)
We often underplay the skills we have.(我们常对自己拥有的技能轻描淡写。)
I do not mean to gloss over or underplay the obstacles and needs.(我这样说并不是要掩饰或淡化障碍和需求。)
Such optimism may underplay the potential channels through which the subprime mess can infect other countries.(这种乐观态度或许忽视了那些潜在渠道,次级房贷的混乱会通过这些渠道蔓延到其他国家中去。)
Peter Newmark has called on the translators to bring their attention to "two underplay aspects of translation", one of which is "the approach to non-literary translation."(彼德·纽马克呼吁翻译者注意“翻译中两个未被引起重视的方面”,其中之一就是“非文学翻译”。奈达还要求更多地注意探索新的翻译领域。)
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