英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['ʌndɪ'rektɪd]

美 [ˌʌndə'rektɪd]


  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释

  • 未受指导的
  • 无收件人姓名的
  • 不受指引的
  • 未写姓名住址的
  • 无通讯处的
  • 未取向的


1. aimlessly drifting

Synonym: adrift(p)afloat(p)aimlessdirectionlessplanlessrudderless

1. undirected的意思

1. 无方向性:方向性:边可以分为有方向性(directed)和无方向性(undirected)两种,有方向性的边称为有向边,无方向性的边称为无向边;同理有方向性的图形称为有向图,无方向性的图称为无向图.

2. 未受指导的:undine 水女神 | undirected 未受指导的 | undiscerning 无辨别力的

3. 无收件人姓名的:undirected 未受指导的 | undirected 无收件人姓名的 | undirectional 单向换能器

4. 未取向的、无向的:underwind下卷式(的) | undirected未取向的、无向的 | undissolved phase不溶相

  • 经典引文

  • He had..an undirected, if intense, desire to write.

    出自:A. N. Wilson
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

This paper gave a review of recent developments in the study of nullities of undirected simple graphs.(综述无向简单图零度问题近年来所取得的研究进展。)
Graphviz, and its associated directed and undirected filters along with the text-processing power of Perl are a great combination for visualization creation.(Graphviz及其处理定向和无向图的过滤器,以及Perl强大的文本处理能力是实现可视化的最佳组合。)
In the cycle packing problem, given an undirected connected graph g, it is required to find the maximum number of pairwise edge disjoint cycles in g.(给定一个无向连通图g,圈包装问题就是求g的边不相交圈的最大数目。)
The algorithm is very simple and suitable for finding all undirected Hamiltonian circuits in general undigraph.(算法简便,适合于求解一般无向图中全部哈密顿回路。)
The MSS problem seeks to compute a set of vertex-disjoint simple paths in an undirected bipartite graph under certain constraints.(MSS问题的目标,是在一个二分无向图上寻找由互不相交的路径所构成的集合,并要求这个集合满足一些特定的条件。)
A circ is an undirected graph having only vertices of even nonzero degree.(一广义圈是一无向图,其顶点次数都是非零偶数。)
Broadcast networks can be expressed by a simple connected undirected graph.(将广播网络用简单连通的无向图表示。)
In this paper, a method to build geometric constraint model of 2 dimensional drawing based on undirected graph is presented.(本文提出了一种基于图结构描述的二维图形几何约束模型的建立及存储方法。)
Finally, this paper gave simulated annealing algorithm for K-vertex-connected minimal augmentation on arbitrary undirected weighted graph.(最终推出了任意无向加权图K点连通最小扩充的模拟退火算法。)
Four participants in the "undirected prayer" group had, without prompting, decided to pray for their romantic partners on a daily basis.(4名参与“无导向祈祷”小组的受测学生在没有被要求的情况下,决定每天为他们的情人祈祷。)
undirected是什么意思 undirected在线翻译 undirected什么意思 undirected的意思 undirected的翻译 undirected的解释 undirected的发音 undirected的同义词