英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 21:57:34



英 [ˈʌndjuleɪt]

美 [ˈʌndʒəleɪt]


v.(使) 波动;(使) 起伏;(使) 震动

形容词: undulatory 过去式: undulated 过去分词: undulated 现在分词: undulating 第三人称单数: undulates

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1. increase and decrease in volume or pitch, as if in waves

e.g. The singer's voice undulated

2. move in a wavy pattern or with a rising and falling motion

e.g. The curtains undulated
the waves rolled towards the beach

Synonym: rollflapwave

3. stir up (water) so as to form ripples

Synonym: ripplerufflerifflecockle

4. occur in soft rounded shapes

e.g. The hills rolled past

Synonym: roll



1. having a wavy margin and rippled surface

1. 波动;起伏;摇曳
Something that undulates has gentle curves or slopes, or moves gently and slowly up and down or from side to side in an attractive manner.

e.g. As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks...
e.g. His body slowly undulated in time to the music.

...gently undulating hills.

1. 起伏:tug#拖曳 | undulate#起伏 | unearth#发掘;发现

2. 波动;波状的:undulate fold 波状褶皱 | undulate 波动;波状的 | undulating anticline 波状背斜

3. 波状的;起伏的:波状草原 rolling prairie | 波状的;起伏的 undulate | 波状地 hammock

  • 经典引文

  • A couple of..girls swiveled and undulated to the disco-beat.

    出自:New York Times
  • Perry undulated between half-awake stupors and sickly sweat-drenched sleep.

    出自:T. Capote
  • A hill from which..the road, undulating straight onward, was visible.

    出自:I. Murdoch
Leaves opposite, margin undulate or revolute.(叶对生,边缘波状或。)
The undulate plasmalemma or some invaginations of plasmalemma varied in size was observed in the meristematic cells.(在分化细胞中,质膜呈波状起伏或形成某些大小不等的质膜内陷。)
The sculptural white fibreglass panels, each measuring 20 metres tall, gently undulate in an attempt to depict the fluid movement of clothing created in Dior's Haute Couture Atelier in Paris.(20余米高的白色玻璃纤维板外表皮犹如雕塑一般,柔和的曲线诠释出迪奥巴黎高级时装工作室所设计服饰的流动感。)
Put forward disposal idea and prevent measurement for quality abnormity undulate appears in entire produce process.(对生产全过程出现的质量异常波动提出处理意见和预防纠正措施。)
To undulate more freely, keep you hands about shoulder width apart.(要波动的更自由些,保持你的手与肩膀同宽。)
In the non-stomata areas the epidermal cells are oblong and parallel to the long axis of leaves, and the anticlinal walls of epidermal cells are mostly straight or some-times undulate.(非气孔分布区内,表皮细胞长方形,细胞壁直或稍微呈波状,细胞长轴与叶片长轴一致。)
The species is characterized by its long and lanceolate leaflets with undulate teeth.(本种以它的长和披针形的小叶具波状的齿为特点。)
The repeating glass modules undulate, providing self-shading that improves the building's environmental performance.(重复的玻璃模块波状,提供自遮阳,提高建筑物的环保性能。)
As we travel south, the countryside begins to undulate as the rolling hills sweep down to the riverbanks.(随着我们游向南边,乡间的山丘变得连绵起伏与河岸相接。)
The way of reckoning for power supply now, makes the line loss rate undulate greatly at different period.(目前的供售电结算方式,使供售电量不同期,线损率大幅波动。)
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