Ultrasonic vibrancy honing has many advantages, such as small honing force, long oilstone life.(超声珩磨具有珩磨力小、油石不易堵塞等普通珩磨所没有的优点。)
Its Spanish Colonial architecture, exotic color-schemes and cultural vibrancy makes for an unique setting.(它的西班牙殖民时期建筑,充满异国情调的色彩和文化活力,都使它变得独一无二。)
The challenge is to make inanimate objects shimmer and glow with vibrancy and life.(最大的挑战在于要让没有生命的物体洋溢着跃动的光芒和生命的光采。)
The significance of the private sector, though, lies in its vibrancy rather than in precise measures.(然而私营部门对中国经济的意义,在于它的活力而不是对它的一个精确度量。)
For example, not all communities benefit from large Numbers; some are quite small and maintain their vibrancy through efficiency.(例如,并不是所有社区都得益于拥有大量的成员;一些小的社区通过效率来保持它的活力。)
Without the vibrancy of the new colors, such as chrome yellow, Van Gogh may never have achieved the intensity of Sunflowers.(如果缺乏了像铬黄这样明亮而充满活力的色彩,也许梵高就创造不出来这么具有生命力的向日葵了。)
The transparent ground floor gallery adds vibrancy to the streetscape.(透明的一层画廊为街景增添了活力。)
There is little in these 500-plus pages to remind readers of the astonishing vibrancy and strangeness of Donne's poetic imagination.(在这500多页纸当中,基本上没有什么能唤醒读者汹涌澎湃的震撼,也没有能让读者感受到Donne的诗里那奇妙的想像力。)
The city might be grim at first, but there is a vibrancy and excitement.(这个城市也许一开始沉闷,但它有一种活力和激情。)
Equally, in poetry, the highly personal, performative genre is the only form that could claim real vibrancy.(同样,在诗歌领域,只有高度个人化和富有表现力的文学形式才是真正具有活力的。)
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