英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [vəˈræsəti]

美 [vəˈræsɪti]


名词复数: veracities

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1. unwillingness to tell lies

1. 真实;诚实
Veracity is the quality of being true or the habit of telling the truth.

e.g. We have total confidence in the veracity of our research...
e.g. He was shocked to find his veracity questioned.

1. 诚实:印花摇粒绒根据印花的长纤摇粒绒可以分为低弹丝摇粒绒(DTY)、有光丝(FDY)它们的英文表达是(100%慧,20世纪的普鲁斯特形象,融合尊敬(VENERABILITY)、诚实(VERACITY)、价值(VALUE)逐步实现机械化.

2. 真实性:Bok认为有四种原因可以正当化说谎之行为:(1)妨止伤害(preventing harm(2)产生利益(producing benefit(3)公平性(fairness) ,例如以说谎方法使原本不正之事变得公正(correcting injustice(4)真实性(veracity),例如用说谎来保护

3. 讲实话:ver 与...比较;对... | veracity 讲实话 | verbal agreement 口头协定

4. 老实:veracious 诚实的 | veracity 老实 | veranda 阳台

  • 经典引文

  • Evidence which casts real doubt on the reliability or veracity of..officers responsible for..interrogations.

  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

Since you have lied to us in the past, you should not wonder that we doubt your veracity.(既然你过去曾经对我们说过谎,你就不应该惊异我们怀疑你的诚实。)
Veracity of the phonetic pitch detection has a great influence on tone recognition.(基音提取的准确度极大的影响声调识别的准确率。)
Even experienced reporters would be asked by their news editor how they can be sure of their stories' veracity.(就算资深记者都会被新编辑询问他们如何保证他们的报道的真实性。)
Much will be laid before you, and proof will accompany the truth so that there is no doubt as to its veracity.(许多将被呈现在你们面前,证据将伴随着真相,这样关于它的准确性就没有疑问了。)
This system has such strong points as high adaptability, low cost, high efficiency, high veracity of data, and good work condition.(该系统具有适应性强、成本低、效率高、数据准确性高、及工作条件佳等优点。)
We have total confidence in the veracity of our research.(对我们研究的真实性,我们有绝对的信心。)
The company has raised questions about Mr Biller’s veracity and employment record, but the allegations have not gone away.(丰田已对比勒先生的真实性及其雇佣记录提出质疑,但这些指控并未撤销。)
The veracity of the weather information is connected with the aviation safety.(而气象信息的准确性关系到航空安全。)
We can't publish the story unless you can prove its veracity.(除非你能证实这篇报道的真实性,否则我们不能刊登。)
As one writer observes: "Although it is now evident that artefacts are as easily altered as chronicles, public faith in their veracity endures: a tangible relic seems ipso facto real."(正如一位作家所观察到的:“尽管现在很明显,手工艺品和编年史一样容易被篡改,但公众对其真实性的信心依然存在:一件有形的遗物本身似乎就是真实的。”)
veracity是什么意思 veracity在线翻译 veracity什么意思 veracity的意思 veracity的翻译 veracity的解释 veracity的发音 veracity的同义词