英语单词分类 轻松记单词


英 ['vɪzjʊəlaɪz]

美 ['vɪʒʊrlˌaɪz]


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1. make visible

e.g. With this machine, ultrasound can be visualized

Synonym: visualize

2. imagine
conceive of
see in one's mind

e.g. I can't see him on horseback!
I can see what will happen
I can see a risk in this strategy

Synonym: visualizeenvisionprojectfancyseefigurepictureimage

3. form a mental picture of something that is invisible or abstract

e.g. Mathematicians often visualize

Synonym: visualize

4. view the outline of by means of an X-ray

e.g. The radiologist can visualize the cancerous liver

Synonym: visualize

1. 可见到的:westernize 西洋化、西化 westernize | visualise 可见到的 visualize | utilise 功效、利用 utilize


2. 预见:预定目标 Projected goals | 预见 Visualise | 预扣税 Withholding tax

You may wish to visualise yourself slimmer, healthier or wealthier for example.(例如,你可以想象自己更苗条,更健康或更富有。)
"He actually got me to visualise going through a gastric band operation," she recalls afterwards.(“实际上,他只是带领我身临其境般地经历了一次缩胃手术”事后朋友回忆说道。)
Visulaise good. Visualise all that you wish to see for the planets future.(设想美好的,设想所有你希望在星球的未来中看到的。)
For example if on Earth you have a cherished painting, you will only have to visualise it to re-produce it.(举个例子,如果在地球上你拥有一副珍贵的油画,而你将只需要观想就能重新创造它。)
The trick is to visualise gorging non-stop on the food, rather than conjuring up an appetite-whetting single image.(方法是要在脑子里不停地、狼吞虎咽地吃虚幻食品,而不是出现产生食欲的那种形象。)
Visualise them: This should be a no-brainer, but you’d be amazed at how many people fall in this trap.(把他们具象化:这个根本不用大脑的,但是要是知道多少人在这一步就跌倒,你一定会无比惊讶。)
Success breeds success, so if you visualise yourself achieving something, then it will help you to do just that.(成功孕育成功,所以如果你想象自己取得了某些成绩,那么它将会帮助你做到这一点。)
Many people who say they can't visualise at all, are still able to create elaborate fantasies.(许多人说他们根本无法观想,但他们仍能进行细致的幻想。)
As new ways of analysing the world around us are developed, new ways to visualise that information are needed.(由于分析我们周遭的世界的的新方法被研制出来,就可以由新的方式来形象化我们所需要的信息。)
If we can visualise a permanent place for green on the podium, we will all be winners.(如果我们能够在领奖台上为绿色勾画出一个永久的位置,我们就都是赢家。)
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