英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:20:53



英 [wɒnd]

美 [wɑ:nd]



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  • 嫩枝
  • 权杖
  • 魔杖
  • 权标
  • 箭靶
  • 细枝
  • 短杖
  • 【音】指挥棒
  • 细枝条
  • 狭长木板
  • 棍棒
  • 魔棍
  • 岩壁


1. a thin tapered rod used by a conductor to lead an orchestra or choir

Synonym: baton

2. a rod used by a magician or water diviner

3. a ceremonial or emblematic staff

Synonym: sceptersceptreverge

4. a thin supple twig or rod

e.g. stems bearing slender wands of flowers

1. 同magic wand
A wand is the same as a magic wand .


e.g. You can't simply wave a wand and get rid of nuclear weapons.

1. 魔杖:魔杖:魔杖 所谓魔杖 魔杖(wand)是魔法师施法的工具,但并不是说你想要什么就可以实现的. 一把正义的魔杖,可以保护自己,救许多条人命;一把邪恶的魔杖,也可以保护自己,但会杀死很多的生命. 所以魔杖有时候是有生命的,有时候只是一些魔咒的载体,

2. (法杖):除了女巫单手杖(Orb)外,全部武器归入两大类:近战(Melee)和远程(Missile)远程武器包括两类:弓(Bow)和弩(Crossbow)木棒(Club), 锤(Hammer), 钉头棒(Mace), 杖(Rod)权杖(Scepter), 法杖(Wand), 棍(Staff)矛除了包含各种长矛外,

3. 棒:大多数人都认识那三项与秘艺相关的最为普遍的工具:法珠(orb),法杖(staff)和法棒(wand). 法珠被钢铁印记(Iron Sigil)和毒蛇之眼(Serpent Eye)传统所喜爱. 毒蛇之眼的秘法家使用法珠专攻附魔,欺骗和诱捕的力量.

4. wand的解释

4. wand:world access network direct; 世界通路网络命令

  • 经典引文

  • My sister..is as white as a lily and as small as a wand.

    出自:Two Gentlemen of Verona,Shakespeare
You can't expect me to just wave a (magic) wand and make everything all right again.(你不能指望我挥动一下魔杖,便一切又平安无事了。)
Sometimes a wand makes the ordinary seem magical.(有时候,魔杖让普通人看上去像魔法师。)
The angel lifts up her wand, and boom! He turns 90.(天使举起她的魔杖,砰的一下!他变成了90岁。)
Pass the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge.(将条形码读入器的端部在商品标签、信用卡和雇员证的磁性编码条纹上扫掠。)
There is no magic wand to secure a just peace.(要稳固正义的和平没有简易方法。)
There's no shortcut. There's no magic wand.(这个问题没有捷径,没有魔术棒。)
My sister stumbles past me, dropping her wand, and cries into her lap.(我妹妹踉跄地越过我,丢下她的魔棒,哭倒在她的膝上。)
The magician waved his magic wand.(那个魔术师挥舞着他的魔棒。)
Harry: Vigilantly Give me my 26 wand, Tom.(哈利:(警惕地)把魔杖还给我,汤姆。)
As promising as the tool seems in enclosed quarters, the wand might not work well against forest fires and other widespread conflagrations, he said.(他说,尽管这种工具多用于室内灭火,但这根魔杖可能无法很好地对付森林火灾和其他大面积火灾。)
wand是什么意思 wand在线翻译 wand什么意思 wand的意思 wand的翻译 wand的解释 wand的发音 wand的同义词