英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 19:53:37


英 ['wel'bɪlt]

美 [ ˈwɛlˈbɪlt]


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Found at one city is an enormous well-built bath, which may have been a public bath.(在一个城市里发现了巨大、建得十分好的浴室,也许是一个公共浴室。)
I struggled, but he was a tall man, well built.(我挣扎了,但他是一个高个子男人,很强壮。)
Well-built, properly draining redwood retaining walls can last 20 years or more.(建造得不错,适当排水红木挡土墙可以持续20年或更多。)
Without well-built, well-maintained roads, goods cannot access markets, children cannot access schools, the sick and injured cannot access health care.(如公路建设质量不好、养护不善,则贫困人口的商品或货物无法进入市场,其子女无法到校上学,病人和受伤之人也无法获得医疗服务。)
The company has strong economic strength and large number of technical elite, high-quality marketing team, fast and excellent after-sales service, well-built hygiene supplies industry.(公司拥有雄厚的经济实力和众多技术精英,高素质的营销队伍,快捷优良的售后服务,精心打造卫生用品行业。)
His eyes were blue, his complexion rubicund, his figure almost portly and well-built, his body muscular, and his physical powers fully developed by the exercises of his younger days.(蓝色的眼睛,红润的脸色,健壮的身材满是肌肉,充沛的体力完全是年轻时锻炼出来的。)
If a building is well constructed and built on solid ground, it will resist an earthquake.(如果一座建筑构建良好,并且地基坚实,它就能抵抗地震。)
He was twenty-eight, a tall, well-built man, who did not seem, however, to think his appear-ance was very important.(他28岁,身材高大魁梧,不过他好像并不认为自己的外表很重要。)
It was rather small, but well built and convenient; and everything was fitted up and arranged with a neatness and consistency of which Elizabeth gave Charlotte all the credit.(房子很小,但是建筑结实,使用也很方便;一切都布置得很精巧,安排得很调和,伊丽莎白对夏绿蒂夸奖备至。)
In ancient Greece, Greek people regarded a well-built body as a gift from gods on Mount Olympus.(在古希腊,人们把健美的身体看作是奥林匹斯山上众神的赐予。)
well-built是什么意思 well-built在线翻译 well-built什么意思 well-built的意思 well-built的翻译 well-built的解释 well-built的发音 well-built的同义词