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英 [ˈmænli]

美 [ˈmænli]



比较级: manlier 最高级: manliest 名词: manliness

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1. possessing qualities befitting a man

Synonym: manfulmanlike

2. characteristic of a man

e.g. a deep male voice
manly sports

Synonym: malemanfulmanlikevirile


1. in a manful manner
with qualities thought to befit a man

e.g. having said her say Peggy manfully shouldered her burden and prepared to break up yet another home

Synonym: manfully

1. 有男子气概的;阳刚的
If you describe a man's behaviour or appearance as manly, you approve of it because it shows qualities that are considered typical of a man, such as strength or courage.

e.g. He set himself manly tasks and expected others to follow his example...
e.g. He was the ideal of manly beauty.

He has no doubts about his manliness.


1. 曼力:我曾写过一部小说,其中有个地方,我得提到一处叫曼力(Manly)的海滩,在游海泳的季节,那是悉尼的居民们最喜欢去的一处胜地,不幸的是,我把它拼成了曼雷(Manley).


2. 男人气派的:ingenuous 直率的, 天真的 | 38) manly 男人气派的 | male 男的

3. 男子气概的:manliness 刚毅 | manly 男子气概的 | manna 吗哪

4. 蛮 力 有男子刚强气质的:manful 蛮 夫 勇敢的 | manly 蛮 力 有男子刚强气质的 | manner 蛮 哦 习惯;举止

  • 经典引文

  • He stored his grief and prided himself in his manly ability to store it.

    出自:T. O. Echewa
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

His manly figure was adorned and enriched by a beautiful pair of donkey's ears.(他的男子气概被一双美丽的驴耳朵修饰的更加饱满。)
We're worried that you'll be completely focused on our sweaty head bands, red faces, and our manly gym attire.(我们会担心你们只注意到我们被汗水浸透的头巾、涨红的脸蛋和超男性化的运动衫。)
Frank was very kind, manly, open-hearted.(弗兰克非常善良,有男子气概,并且心胸坦荡。)
If someone stole one of your sheep, the manly thing to do was to go and kill five of his cows.(如果某人偷了你一只羊,那么要显示你是个男人,就去宰了他五头牛吧。)
He set himself manly tasks and expected others to follow his example.(他给自己安排了体现男子气概的任务,并期待其他人去效仿他。)
Because it's manly.(因为这样具有男子气概。)
The manly Roman woman manager by the banner had man’s manner.(军旗旁那位有男子气概的古罗马女经理具有男子风度.)
Bubbles are also required, even if you are a man who is too manly for this.(要有泡沫。哪怕你是个男人,而这对你来说太女性化。)
Commercials for The Lodge, in Dallas, boast that its customers enjoy “women, manly steaks, cigars, and women.”(达拉斯的“小屋”俱乐部的广告吹嘘说它的顾客们享受着“女人、适合男人的牛排、雪茄和女人”。)
He never learnt the manly and military virtues which his father prized.(他从未学得他父亲所看重的男子气概和军人品质。)
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