Learn to show up on time, to look neat and well-groomed, and to do whatever is asked of you with a willing attitude.(学习如何准时,如何看上去整洁干净,然后以肯干的态度去做任何要求你做的。)
He was smart and well groomed but not good looking.(他时髦而且打扮整齐,但是长得不帅。)
First, being well-groomed makes a good impression on others you don’t know well, and helps them to react more positively to you.(首先,良好的打扮可以给陌生人留下一个好印象,并且有助于让他们对你形成正面的评价。)
It is important to look professional and well-groomed.(外表看上去整洁而且职业化,这一点是很重要的。)
A well-groomed beard can look just as professional, but you have to be meticulous about keeping it trimmed or you risk looking like your chin is growing a Brillo pad.(修剪得整整齐齐的也能看上去很职业,不过在修剪的时候你必须一丝不苟,否则你的下巴就会像长了一个钢丝球。)
A smartly dressed, well-groomed employee, who has made the most of his physical appearance, immediately sways our guests.(一个穿着得体,仪表端庄的员工,将会给客人留下很好的印象。)
For example, you should take care to appear well-groomed and modestly dressed. What's more, try to avoid a too causal style.(比如说你应该注意穿戴整洁,服装得体,另外,不要穿太随意的衣服。)
For women, the premium they make for looking good at work is almost entirely explained by how well-groomed they are.(对女人来说,凭借外貌所取得的工作优势几乎全部依赖于她们打扮得有多精心。)
Make sure you're well-groomed. This will communicate that you care about your appearance and that you have self-respect.(确保边幅修整。这会传达出这样的信息:你注重自己的外表,并且你自尊自重。)
A well-groomed woman can't fix her hair just anyway.(一个穿戴整洁的女人可不能随便梳妆了事。)
well-groomed是什么意思 well-groomed在线翻译 well-groomed什么意思 well-groomed的意思 well-groomed的翻译 well-groomed的解释 well-groomed的发音 well-groomed的同义词