英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 22:31:15



英 [ˈwaɪli]

美 [ˈwaɪli]


副词: wilily 比较级: wilier 最高级: wiliest 名词: wiliness

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  • 狡猾的
  • 诡计多端的
  • 爱捉弄人的
  • 狡诈的
  • 足智多谋的
  • 诡谲的
  • 机警
  • 使用计谋的
  • 有诡计的


1. marked by skill in deception

e.g. cunning men often pass for wise
deep political machinations
a foxy scheme
a slick evasive answer
sly as a fox
tricky Dick
a wily old attorney

Synonym: craftycunningdodgyfoxyguilefulknavishslickslytricksytricky

1. 诡计多端的;狡诈的;狡猾的
If you describe someone or their behaviour as wily, you mean that they are clever at achieving what they want, especially by tricking people.

e.g. His appointment as prime minister owed much to the wily manoeuvring of the President.

1. wily的意思

1. 老谋深算的:cytology [生]细胞学 | wily 老谋深算的 | wile 诡计, 阴谋, 欺骗

2. 有诡计的:wilt 枯萎 | wily 有诡计的 | wimble 锥


3. 法国:芬兰 - Crimis | 法国 - wily | 德国 - raal


4. 狡猾的:coy 腼腆的 | wily 狡猾的 | exult 狂喜的

  • 经典引文

  • The Knave of Diamonds tries his wily arts, And wins..the Queen of Hearts.

  • The wily old fox of South Asian politics.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Even Mr Klaus, a wily operator, may struggle to find excuses to stall for eight months.(即使狡猾的操纵者Klaus先生可能也难以找到借口来拖延8个月。)
Yet Iran's leadership remains wily, leaving outsiders struggling for effective means to bring about change.(然而伊朗的领导者是老谋深算的,离开外部有效的争斗就将意味着更多的改变。)
Her father was a wily old attorney.(她父亲是一个狡猾的老执法官。)
The wily lot may be excused for not jumping at the Mother of Dragons' elevator pitch.(这群狡猾的家伙没有欣然接受龙之母的电梯推销,或许情有可原。)
But wily as he is, Mr Assad would be wrong to relax.(但狡黠如他,阿萨德自不会犯借此松懈的错。)
Women are wily adversaries, and if you're not on your best game and on your toes at all times, they'll cut you off at the knees.(女人是很狡猾的对手,如果你不是一直保持最佳状态,她们就会判你出局。)
God damn wily Europeans.(该死!诡计多端的欧洲人!)
The movie is a cry of national shame; for De Palma, it's a new badge of honor for a wily old vet.(这部电影是对国家耻辱的哀惋,对于DePalma来说,这却是对于一个队伍老兵来说全新的荣誉象征。)
The boss is a wily old fox.(老板是个狡猾的老狐狸。)
Even now, the wily Zimbabwean liberation hero seems to be outwitting his rivals, mediators and enemies in almost equal measure.(甚至在现在,这位老谋深算的津巴布韦解放英雄以几乎同样的方法,正在欺骗他的对手、仲裁者和敌人。)
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