英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 14:33:09


英 [bɒm'bɑ:dmənt]

美 [bɒm'bɑ:dmənt]



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1. an attack by dropping bombs

Synonym: bombing

2. the act (or an instance) of subjecting a body or substance to the impact of high-energy particles (as electrons or alpha rays)

3. the heavy fire of artillery to saturate an area rather than hit a specific target

e.g. they laid down a barrage in front of the advancing troops
the shelling went on for hours without pausing

Synonym: barragebarrage firebatteryshelling

4. the rapid and continuous delivery of linguistic communication (spoken or written)

e.g. a barrage of questions
a bombardment of mail complaining about his mistake

Synonym: barrageoutpouringonslaught

1. (猛烈而持久的)炮击,轰炸
A bombardment is a strong and continuous attack of gunfire or bombing.

e.g. The city has been flattened by heavy artillery bombardments...
e.g. The capital is still under constant bombardment by the rebel forces.

2. 一连串(想法、要求、质问或批评)
A bombardment of ideas, demands, questions, or criticisms is an aggressive and exhausting stream of them.

e.g. ...the constant bombardment of images urging that work was important.

1. 轰击:较低能量的轰击(bombardment)对晶圆与腔体较为有利,能减低损伤(例如刻面faceting)以及在腔体表面堆积喷溅的可能. 由於超低介电常数材料较二氧化矽多孔与疏松,所以软式蚀刻更能保存其物理整体性. 此理亦适用於下一世代的光阻,

2. bombardment

2. 炮击::电光屏障(Fence) 过关后神只好感度变动:无 困难度:★★★★★ 4.地神詹姆斯(James) 主要任务:从法师Seerix手中救出Mithras 限制条件:无 奖赏条件:无 新增部队:嘈杂石兽(Jabberocky) 获得法术:乱石炮击(Bombardment) 过关后神只好感度

3. 撞击:be composed of 由......组成 | bombardment 撞击 | boundary 界限

4. 炮击, 轰击:celebrity 名声, 名人 | bombardment 炮击, 轰击 | peculiarly 特有地, 特别地

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The roofs were impotent against an aerial bombardment, but now, life is once again very good.(屋顶抵御不了炮击,不过现在,生活又变得好起来了。)
Bombardment of a website with Internet traffic, until it stops being able to cope and crashes.(对网站进行因特网的流量攻击,直到网站停止工作并崩溃掉。)
She fled back to Baghdad, her embarrassment saving her from probable death in the bombardment.(她逃回巴格达,她尴尬的可能挽救她的轰炸中死亡。)
In his right hand he is holding documents engraved with the date when Nato started the bombardment of Serbia, 24 March 1999.(他的右手拿着文件,上面刻着北约开始轰炸塞尔维亚的时间:1999年3月24日。)
The city came under heavy bombardment.(那座城市受到猛烈轰炸。)
According to the doctor on Mullaitivu beach, each bombardment provokes a clamour of refugees wanting to escape.(根据这名在穆拉蒂武海滩工作的医生的描述,每一次轰炸都会惊吓大批难民想要逃出该地区。)
Weeks of aerial bombardment had destroyed factories and motorways.(数周的空袭已经摧毁了各工厂和公路。)
It was the world's first aerial bombardment.(这是世上首次出现空中轰炸。)
The pressure is caused by the bombardment of the container walls by these particles.(气体的压强是由这些粒子对容器壁的撞击造成的。)
The worst of the bombardment—including the colossal impact that knocked loose the chunk that became our moon—was over.(最糟糕的轰炸——包括将大块物质撞击得脱离地球形成月球巨大碰撞——已经结束了。)
bombardment是什么意思 bombardment在线翻译 bombardment什么意思 bombardment的意思 bombardment的翻译 bombardment的解释 bombardment的发音 bombardment的同义词