英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 14:46:22


英 [ˌsɜ:kəmˈstænʃl]

美 [ˌsɜ:rkəmˈstænʃl]


副词: circumstantially

  • 英英释义

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1. fully detailed and specific about particulars

e.g. a circumstantial report about the debate

1. (证据)间接的;佐证的
Circumstantial evidence is evidence that makes it seem likely that something happened, but does not prove it.


e.g. Fast work by the police in Birmingham had started producing circumstantial evidence.

2. 视情况而定的;与特定情况有关的
Something that is circumstantial is related to a particular circumstance.

e.g. The reasons for the project collapsing were circumstantial.

1. 依照情况的:Populist [美史]平民党员,平民论者,民粹主义者 | circumstantial 依照情况的 | remittance man 侨居外国而靠国内汇款生活的人

2. 不重要,间接,推论的:circumstance 情况 | circumstantial 不重要,间接,推论的 | cicumvent 包围,胜过

3. 根据情况的:circumstantial letter 详细说明书 | circumstantial 根据情况的 | circumvolution 同轴旋转

4. 情況的:dependent variable 從屬變數;依變項 | circumstantial 情況的 | circumstantial adjunct 情況附加語

  • 经典引文

  • Our political strength and circumstantial prosperity.

  • A principle of life is the first requirement of art; all else is circumstantial and secondary.

    出自:J. R. Lowell
  • The names of my patients,..and certain other circumstantial details.

    出自:O. Sacks
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The evidence brought against Hill was circumstantial.(对希尔不利的证据只是间接的。)
The case against him was largely circumstantial.(对他不利的案情大多为间接推测的。)
Moreover, that collection contained a number of pieces that circumstantial evidence identified as suspect.(此外,该收藏中包含若干件能确定嫌疑人的间接证据。)
The author should be someone who knows your work well enough to write a circumstantial letter.(写推荐信的人应该对你的学习有充分的了解,才能写出一份详尽的推荐信。)
Aunt Polly was vexed to think she had overlooked that bit of circumstantial evidence, and missed a trick.(波莉姨妈很懊恼,她居然忽略了这个明摆着的事实,因此错过了一次机会。)
There is only circumstantial evidence against her, so she is unlikely to be convicted.(只有间接证据对她不利,所以她不大会被定罪。)
There is, however, a problem with this theory: it relies on circumstantial evidence.(这种说法有一个漏洞:它是建立在旁证的基础之上的。)
The evidence for equating Seneca with the author of the tragedies seems circumstantial.(把塞内加等同于悲剧作者的证据似乎是间接的。)
But the top court said that the circumstantial evidence proves beyond doubt that Hayashi is guilty.(但是最高法庭说,一系列旁证毫无疑问的证明Hayashi是凶手。)
The most recent circumstantial evidence also suggests that the Fed may bear some responsibility for the commodities boom.(最近环境证据也表明,美联储要为商品价格的飚升负上一部分的责任。)
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