英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:17:19



英 [ˈkli:və(r)]

美 [ˈklivɚ]



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1. a butcher's knife having a large square blade

Synonym: meat cleaverchopper

1. 剁肉刀;砍肉刀;大菜刀
A cleaver is a knife with a large square blade, used for chopping meat or vegetables.

e.g. ...a meat cleaver.

1. (切肉斧):例如一把斧子(Axe)会被变为一把切肉斧(Cleaver). 这样不会把暗金物品转换成此物品扩展级的暗金形式. 暗金装备的魔法属性保持不变,只是本身的基本装备被升级了. 这个公式也可用于无形物品的升级,升级后它们仍然会保持无形的状态,

2. cleaver在线翻译

2. 切肉刀:cleave 劈 | cleaver 切肉刀 | cleavers 猪殃殃

3. 劈刀:clearing agent 清洁剂 | cleaver 劈刀 | cleaving forceps 牙断裂钳

4. cleaver什么意思

4. 切割:jaw 颚 | cleaver 切割 | throwing knives 飞刀

You own your own meat cleaver and sharpen it.(你有自己的切肉刀而且你会磨它。)
Meat is piled high on a board, and the constant thud thud thud of a swinging cleaver echoes round the chamber.(龟肉摞在高处的一块木板上,屋子里回荡着屠宰刀来回使用时发出的沙沙声。)
She is a cleaver mother.(她真是个聪明的妈妈。)
The grass had twitched out of grip as he swung, and he had grabbed for it, and the cleaver had come down hard on his extended finger.(他砍的时候卷草从紧握的手中被猛地一扯,他伸手便抓,切肉刀正剁在他伸出的手指上。)
Take out a meat cleaver and cut off their hand.(拿起切肉刀,砍断他们的手。)
Daniel Cleaver: Oh, come on Jones there must have been something you liked about me.(丹尼尔:“哦,得了吧,琼斯,我身上肯定有你喜欢的地方。”)
But the big question hanging over Mr. Pandit is whether he should take a meat cleaver to the Citigroup empire.(不过,潘伟迪面临的一个大问题是他是否应该分拆整个花旗王国。)
In fact, a cleaver is a class of ax.(实际上,切肉刀也是斧子的一种。)
SHELLY CLEAVER: "It was the first Ford product to have self-adjusting brakes on it."(这是第一款拥有自我调节刹车的福特产品。)
He had heard it said that there were three good cures for greyscale: axe and sword and cleaver.(他听说过三种治愈灰死病的方法:斧头、剑或者屠刀。)
cleaver是什么意思 cleaver在线翻译 cleaver什么意思 cleaver的意思 cleaver的翻译 cleaver的解释 cleaver的发音 cleaver的同义词