英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 14:46:17



英 [kəˈləʊkwiəl]

美 [kəˈloʊkwiəl]


副词: colloquially 名词: colloquialness

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1. characteristic of informal spoken language or conversation

e.g. wrote her letters in a colloquial style
the broken syntax and casual enunciation of conversational English

Synonym: conversational

1. 口语的;会话的
Colloquial words and phrases are informal and are used mainly in conversation.

e.g. ...a colloquial expression...
e.g. His stumbling attempts at colloquial Russian amused her.

The people who write parking tickets in New York are known colloquially as 'brownies'.

1. 口语的:English,有时也会用一些亲切通俗的(familiar)或口语的(colloquial)语调. 回到家则用非正式的(Informal English)或随意的(casual)英语和妻子交谈. 虽然像这样依情况而有多种不同的英语出现,却一定都是标准英语(Standard

2. colloquial的近义词

2. 白话的:colloquia 座谈会 | colloquial 白话的 | colloquialism 俗话

3. 俗语口语的:informal 非正式的/随便的 | colloquial 俗语口语的 | in particular 特别(是)

It is inappropriate to use colloquial or slang words or expressions in formal writing.(正式文体中不应使用口语或理语词语和表达方式。)
Only a tiny number of the speakers of any language will be aware that they are using colloquial or slang expression_rs.(该语言的使用者中仅仅有一小部分人会意识到他们在使用口头或者俚语。)
Almost all idiomatic expressions are colloquial language.(几乎所有的习惯用语都是口头语言。)
Ken, compadre, I admire the colloquial style.(肯,老伙计,说实在的我真佩服你这口语化的腔调。)
This phrase is a colloquial way to tell someone to go and see for themselves.(这是个口语化的短语,意思是让某人自己去看看。)
Of or relating to a form of modern Greek based on colloquial use.(一种基于口语应用的现代希腊语形式,或与之有关。)
You've sold it to me 'is a very colloquial way of saying' you've convinced me '.(“你已经把它卖给我了”是一种非常口语化的说法,意思是“你已经说服我了”。)
The language of this poem is colloquial, but it is deep in the understanding of human emotions.(这首诗语言通俗,但是它对人类感情的揭示却很有深度。)
Remember that colloquial speech is used by people who are familiar with each other.(记住:口语表示法经常用于比较熟悉的人之间。)
Mr Luo, whose English tends toward the colloquial, added: “We hate you guys.(英语倾向于口语的罗先生补充说:“我们恨你们。)
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