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更新时间:2024-06-03 14:57:08



英 ['kɒlɔɪd]

美 ['kɒlɔɪd]



形容词: colloidal 副词: colloidally

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1. a mixture with properties between those of a solution and fine suspension

1. 胶质:滤泡大小不等、呈圆形、椭圆形或不规则形,由单层的滤泡上皮细胞(follicular epithelial cell)围成,滤泡腔内充满胶质(colloid),它是滤泡上皮细胞的分泌物在腔内的储存形式,即磺化的甲状腺球蛋白,在切片上呈均质嗜酸性.

2. 胶体 <单词词性>胶体的:chromosome matrix 染色体基质 | colloid 胶体 胶体的 | epoophorectomy 卵巢冠切除术

3. 胶质,胶体:collodion film 火棉胶软片 | colloid 胶质,胶体 | colloidal solution 胶体液

Using SERS, the Raman spectra of Hypocrellin A in the silver colloid are obtained for the first time.(应用表面增强拉曼散射方法,首次获得了竹红菌甲素在黄银胶中的拉曼光谱;)
The special function expansion method was applied to solve the sedimentation problem of polydisperse colloid system.(特殊函数展开法被用于解决多分散具势悬浮体系中粒子的沉降问题。)
The news got worse: Cameron had a colloid cyst-a rare, potentially fatal brain tumor.(而进一步的确诊带来更坏的消息,卡梅隆患的是第三脑室胶样囊肿,一个罕见而致命的肿瘤。)
Objective To observe early effect of two kinds of hypotonic colloid solution on celiac seawater immersion wound in field aid.(目的观察野战环境战地两种低张胶体液对腹腔海水浸泡伤实验犬的的救治作用。)
Classical theory of flocculation is based on the assumptions of globe shape of colloid particle.(传统混凝理论是在经典胶体化学的基础上,假定胶体颗粒为球形建立的。)
Colloid tumour pretty is troublesome.(胶质瘤蛮麻烦的。)
A colloid of life is the unknown factor between the animate and the inanimate." (Jubbs Cell Rejuvenation, p.14.)(生命胶质是介于生命体和非生命体的未知介质。)
The follicles of the adenoma contain colloid, but there is greater variability in size than normal.(腺瘤滤泡内包含胶质,但滤泡大小不等。)
This machine has replaced the beforehand production colloid mill.(该机代替了以前生产的胶体磨。)
The mechanism of colloid formation was analyzed .(分析胶体五氧化二锑的形成机理。)
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