英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 15:45:44



英 [ˈkɔ:nɪs]

美 [ˈkɔ:rnɪs]


v.给 ... 装上檐口

过去式: corniced 过去分词: corniced 现在分词: cornicing 第三人称单数: cornices

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1. the topmost projecting part of an entablature

2. a molding at the corner between the ceiling and the top of a wall

3. a decorative framework to conceal curtain fixtures at the top of a window casing

Synonym: valancevalance boardpelmet


1. furnish with a cornice

1. 檐口;楣;飞檐
A cornice is a strip of plaster, wood, or stone which goes along the top of a wall or building.


1. 雪檐:描述: 从Zupjok往Llama进发, 下第一个雪坡. 全线皆在山脊行走, 边沿都是雪檐 (Cornice) 要小心行进.

2. cornice是什么意思

2. 檐口:托架(BRACKET) 一种用石、木或金属制成的从墙壁上伸出的支撑,其顶部为平面,可托住雕像、檐口(CORNICE)、横梁等重物(图410). 托架的下部如果有涡卷形装饰(SCROLL)就称其为涡卷形支架(图620). 拓印法(FRTTAGE) 见摹拓(RUBBING).

3. cornice是什么意思

3. 飞檐:corner site 街角地盘 | cornice 飞檐 | corporate landlord 机构业主

4. 檐板(窗帘盒):吊钉 suspended ceiling false ceiling | 檐板(窗帘盒) cornice | 砖墙 brick wall

And the end of cornices which we called "pixel cornice." is using jagged back channel processing.(我们叫做“像素挑檐”的挑檐结尾使用交错回转的通道处理。)
A bracket of stone, wood, brick, or other building material, projecting from the face of a wall and generally used to support a cornice or an arch.(托臂,翅托从墙面上凸出,常用于支撑檐口或拱形物的一种石、木、砖或其他建筑材料制成的建筑部件。)
On the pavement outside, the row of gas jets flaring on the cornice of the theater cast a patch of brilliant light.(剧院檐口上的一排煤气灯发出夺目的光芒,把人行道照得雪亮。)
The upper section of a classical building, resting on the columns and constituting the architrave, frieze, and cornice.(柱顶盘,上横梁一座古典的建筑的上部,置于柱体之上,由柱式过梁、雕带和挑檐三部分组成。)
Most of armoire consists of cornice, body and pedestal.(大衣柜尺寸较大,多由檐帽、柜身和底座三部分组成;)
A molding for a cornice, having a partly concave and partly convex curve in profile, used especially in classical architecture.(反曲线饰纵断面部分为凹线,部分为凸形的檐口的线脚,尤用在古典建筑中。)
A man was killed by a falling cornice.(一名男子被坠落的屋檐砸死。)
Cornice: a horizontal molded projection that crowns or completes a building or wall.(檐口:顶盖或结束某建筑或墙的一种水平的铸造的凸出物。)
She stood on the hearth; she was pale as the white marble slab and cornice behind her.(她站在壁炉旁边,脸色象她背后的白色大理石板和檐板一样灰白。)
A cornice falls, that it hits every citizen on the head, every last man in town.(飞檐坠下,便会砸到每位市民头上,城里所有人的头上。)
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