英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 18:29:40


英 [ɪnˈkɒrɪdʒəbl]

美 [ɪnˈkɔ:rɪdʒəbl]



副词: incorrigibly 名词: incorrigibility

  • 英英释义

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1. impervious to correction by punishment

1. (通常幽默)屡教不改的,不可改造的
If you tell someone they are incorrigible, you are saying, often in a humorous way, that they have faults which will never change.

e.g. 'Sue, you are incorrigible!' he said...
e.g. Gamblers are incorrigible optimists.

1. incorrigible的意思

1. 无药可救的:incorrigibility 难望矫正 | incorrigible 无药可救的 | incorrigibly 不能矫正地

2. 难以纠正的:incorret 错误的 | incorrigible 难以纠正的 | increase 增进

3. incorrigible的解释

3. 无可救药的:husky:高大强壮的 | incorrigible:无可救药的 | lean:瘦但健康的

4. incorrigible的意思

4. 固执的,难以克服的:smash 粉碎,破坏 | incorrigible 固执的,难以克服的 | wrest 夺取,强占

  • 经典引文

  • Within a few weeks the incorrigible reprobate was at his tricks again.

    出自:L. Strachey
  • 近义词

  • 反义词

  • 临近词

James, you're incorrigible.(詹姆斯,你真是无可救药。)
He is an incorrigible thief and has been to the jail many times.(他是个惯盗,已经入狱好几次了。)
We all do it: Human beings, by nature, are incorrigible mimics.(我们都在模仿,模仿是人类的天性。)
This is because men have an incorrigible habit of taking fellow drivers for granted.(这是因为男人们打心眼里就没把别的司机们当回事。)
Ayer insists: 'What we directly perceive are sense-data', and furthermore, he produces the incorrigible foundations for the empirical knowledge.(艾耶尔提出:“我们直接感知到的是感觉予料”,以此还为经验知识找到了“感觉予料陈述”作为不可错的基础。)
Education and taught for the first time I even had, but a continuous good times, incorrigible.(第一次我教育教育了就算了,可是连续好几次,屡教不改。)
More importantly, you leave him with the clear impression that you believe he is capable of behaving properly and is not incorrigible.(而且更重要的是,你对他清晰的表明,你相信他可以做好,而不是不可救药。)
"Sunita, you are incorrigible!" he said.(“苏尼塔,你真是屡教不改啊!”,他说道。)
You have no business to be incorrigible, ' was his friend's answer, delivered in no very soothing tone.(“你没有必要无可救药,”他的朋友回答,并没有带多少安慰的口气。)
He is an incorrigible tinkerer who holds four elevator patents.(他是一个拥有4项升降机发明专利的不可救药的野孩子。)
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