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更新时间:2024-05-27 21:43:15



英 [ˈpɒpjələs]

美 [ˈpɑ:pjələs]


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  • 大众
  • 平民
  • (下层)民众
  • 人民
  • 老百姓
  • 群氓
  • 全体居民
  • 人口


1. people in general considered as a whole

e.g. he is a hero in the eyes of the public

Synonym: publicworld

1. (一国的)平民,百姓,民众
The populace of a country is its people.

e.g. ...a large proportion of the populace.


1. 民众,老百姓:405. pontiff: 教皇,主教. | 406. populace: 民众,老百姓. | 407. poseur: 装模作样的人.

2. populace在线翻译

2. 平民,大众:unpopular 不通俗的,不推广的 | populace 平民,大众 | 父,祖-patri,pater

There is nothing like the hand of the populace for building everything that is built by demolishing.(再没有什么能象群众的双手那样去建造一切为破坏而建的东西。)
He had the support of large sections of the local populace.(他受到当地大部分百姓的拥护。)
Many of the city's populace travel to work by subway or bus.(许多城市的平民都是坐地铁或公共汽车上下班。)
"Consumer confidence is yes, somewhat shaken, I would say, amongst some of the Singapore populace, but that can't be helped, I think."(在新加坡民众当中,顾客的信心的确受到了一些打击,实在是没办法。)
Later, this ritual expanded to include gift-giving among the general populace.(后来,这一仪式扩大成为普通民众之间送礼物的活动。)
Flying aircraft carriers had a brief stint in the collective imagination of a wartime populace.(会飞的航空母舰在战时大众的集体想象中维持了很短的时间。)
The main them of this chapter is how the ruler should treat the populace, to gain their support and then strengthen the nation.(就是治理国家的大事。本篇的主旨是说国务的中心内容是爱民。其目的是争取人心归向和培养国力。)
Augmented reality (AR) may be well known in geek circles, but it's a mystery to the general populace.(增强实景(AugmentedReality)可能在技术圈里已经众所周知,但是在大众中还是一个神秘的事物。)
As for the populace, it was seething yesterday, to-day it is not stirring.(至于人民,昨天还很激奋,可是今晨却没有动静了。)
The mainstream media clearly sees the value in tapping into the general populace to access a more extensive coverage network.(主流媒体很清楚的看到通过民众来获取扩展的报道网络的价值。)
populace是什么意思 populace在线翻译 populace什么意思 populace的意思 populace的翻译 populace的解释 populace的发音 populace的同义词