英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-27 23:19:48


英 [ˈʃætəd]

美 [ˈʃætərd]



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1. ruined or disrupted

e.g. our shattered dreams of peace and prosperity
a tattered remnant of its former strength
my torn and tattered past

Synonym: tattered

1. 爱人别出声:此后他又拍摄了科幻冒险电影<>(Enemy Mine),并翻拍了希区柯克的悬念电影<>(Shattered). 沃尔夫冈最近反响不俗的作品有讲述劫持总统专机的<>(Air Force One)、讲述遇难渔船故事的<>(The Perfect Storm)和灾难大片<


2. 移魂劫:Sharky's Machine 特警沙基 1982 | Shattered 移魂劫 1991 | Shawshank Redemption, The 月黑高飞(刺激1995) 1995


3. 粉碎:05 Just My Imagination 我的幻想 | 06 Shattered 粉碎 | 07 Desperate Andy 安迪

4. 藍 綠 帶 淡 紫 光:Roach 深 啡 帶 金 光 | Shattered 藍 綠 帶 淡 紫 光 | Smog 深 橄 欖 帶 銅 光

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

The experience left her feeling absolutely shattered.(她在这次经历之后,感到彻底垮了。)
Marissa Cooper suddenly pictured the shattered corpse of a rattlesnake lying bloody on a hot patch of yellowTexas sand so many years ago.(玛丽莎·库珀突然想起了数年前,一条响尾蛇的尸体被击得粉碎,血迹斑斑地躺在德克萨斯炽热黄沙上。)
The government must reconstruct the shattered economy.(政府必须重建垮掉的经济。)
His life has been cruelly shattered by an event not of his own making.(他的生活由于一个非他自身因素造成的事件被无情地破坏了。)
His pleasant dream was shattered.(他的美梦破灭了。)
In "To You, the Birdie!", the action was reconstructed around a badminton game, shuttlecocks landing on the ground like the sound of shattered crockery.(而在《致小鸟》中,所有情节都被重新组织在一场羽毛球比赛之中,球落地则象征陶器破碎的声音。)
They were quite brittle and shattered very easily if they were dropped.(它们很脆,如果掉在地上很容易碎。)
Teresa was devastated, her dreams shattered.(特雷莎非常震惊,她的梦想破灭了。)
She shattered her right leg in a fall.(她摔断了右腿。)
The shells became so thin that they shattered before the babies hatched.(蛋壳变得非常薄,以至于在婴儿孵化之前就被打碎了。)
shattered是什么意思 shattered在线翻译 shattered什么意思 shattered的意思 shattered的翻译 shattered的解释 shattered的发音 shattered的同义词