英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-17 22:34:06


英 [ˈslɒbə(r)]

美 [ˈslɑ:bə(r)]



形容词: slobbery 名词: slobberer 过去式: slobbered 过去分词: slobbered 现在分词: slobbering 第三人称单数: slobbers

  • 详情解释

  • 英英释义

  • 词典解释

  • 网络解释

  • 说感情用事的话
  • 以口水弄湿
  • 口水淌湿
  • 淌口水
  • 哭诉
  • 过分伤感地说
  • 感情迸发
  • 过分伤感
  • 将(工作)敷衍了事
  • 马马虎虎做
  • (极端)感情用事
  • 粗俗地表示
  • 流口水
  • 口水
  • 感情用事的话
  • 哭诉
  • 唠叨
  • 胡说废话
  • 语无伦次的表达



1. saliva spilling from the mouth

Synonym: drooldribbledrivel


1. let saliva drivel from the mouth

e.g. The baby drooled

Synonym: driveldroolslabberslaverdribble

1. 流口水
If a person or an animal slobbers, they let liquid fall from their mouth.

e.g. ...slobbering on his eternal cigarette end.

1. slobber什么意思

1. 你流了滿地的口水:slap 你一巴掌打在空气里. | slobber 你流了满地的口水. | smile 你非常愉快地微笑着.

2. 哈拉子=口水:范子=吹牛皮的家伙=bluffer | 哈拉子=口水=slobber | 后几拧骨=后背=back

3. slobber的解释

3. 垂涎:slob 懒汉 | slobber 垂涎 | slobbery 流口水的

4. 口水:skeleton 骨骼,骨架 | slobber 口水 | the disabled 残障者

  • 经典引文

  • He received me like a lover...He quite slobbered over me.

    出自:W. Owen
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Try to remember that sometimes slobber all over the face is not exactly what your partner wants.(你要努力记住,把口水弄得满脸都是可不一定是对方想要的。)
Once in the gutter, take a shower, one not careful, stepped into the deep water to the whole human eyes, a black, a few slobber, also do not know what happened, do a back even climb ashore.(一次是在水沟里洗澡,一不小心,踩到深水里去了,整个人两眼一黑,喝了几口水,也不知道怎么一回事,瞎抓一回竟然爬上岸来。)
They always slobber all over you.(他们总是把口水弄得你满身都是。)
But some experts say it might be time to put an end to swapping slobber with your pooch.(但一些专家认为:也许是时候不再与你们家的狗交换口水了。)
He did not beg for food, he asked for a drink slobber.(他没有要饭,只乞求给他一口水喝。)
After a while, a riot of colours dark chocolate and lollipop in my eyes, I slobber must leave, I eat like wolves and tigers eat.(过了一会儿,黑黑的巧克力和五彩缤纷的棒棒糖出现在我的眼前,我的口水都要留下了,我狼吞虎咽的吃完了。)
Women like kissing and they're generally not happy unless they're coated head to foot in slobber.(妇女喜欢吻和他们一般不愉快他们涂上除非向脚在唾液内前进。)
But the slobber and attention is free!(但是它们所产生的吸引力却是免费的。)
Just use the long time no see, how nice body. my slobber a great word get.(刚才使用了好久不见,一泻千里,怎个爽字了得。)
Sitting next to me was an old man. Swallowing his slobber, he said: "could you let me share one shot?" so I gave him the half bottle of beer that I had left.(坐在我旁边的是个老头,他咽着口水,说小伙子,能给我一口吗?我把自己喝剩下的半瓶啤酒给了他。)
slobber是什么意思 slobber在线翻译 slobber什么意思 slobber的意思 slobber的翻译 slobber的解释 slobber的发音 slobber的同义词