英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-05-28 00:28:23


英 ['sɪŋkrɪtaɪz]

美 ['sɪŋkrɪˌtaɪz]


过去式: syncretized 过去分词: syncretized 现在分词: syncretizing 第三人称单数: syncretizes

  • 英英释义

  • 网络解释


1. unite (beliefs or conflicting principles)

Synonym: syncretise

2. become fused

Synonym: syncretise

1. syncretize在线翻译

1. 结合:syncretism 汇合 | syncretize 结合 | syndic 理事

2. 融合(功能)(兩種以上不同變化形式的合拼):syncretism 融合法 | syncretize 融合(功能)(兩種以上不同變化形式的合拼) | syndesis 融合

3. (使)结合,(使)调和:stigmatize 污蔑,玷污 | syncretize (使)结合,(使)调和 | sanitize 使...清洁


4. 结合/融合:syncretism /合一/类并/ | syncretize /结合/融合/ | syncriminator /同步鉴别器/

In order to syncretize different culture, the essay advances the culture syncretism model and concrete ways on the basis of the way of solving conflict.(为了使异质文化更好的融合,本文在文化冲突解决方法的基础上,提出了中外合资企业文化融合的模式以及具体的途径。)
In the history of world legal system, it is a widespread phenomenon to transplant and syncretize the laws of other countries, and it is also an important content in all countries' law construction.(在世界法制史上,法律移植和法律融合是非常普遍的现象,也是各国法律建设中的一个重要内容。)
Along with the deepening of research, Transformation economics gradually tends to syncretize with other branches of economics.(随着研究的不断深入,转型经济学开始逐渐与其他经济学分支走向融合。)
He tried to syncretize historical and logical empiricism view on scientific rationality.(在关于科学合理性问题上他试图融合历史的和逻辑经验主义的观点。)
Inthe design of the street space in the landscape city, we should syncretize the above elements to perfect embody the natural landscape with artificial city.(在山水城市街道空间的设计中,要将上述构成要素有效地融会在一起,体现自然山水与人工城市的完美结合。)
Print Ads deduces legend, the combination of the advertisement appeal and syncretize will show the fantastic idea in the two-dimension world.(平面演绎传奇,感染力与说服力融合的美学展现让创意在二维世界释放精彩。)
Under the new conditions, it's an urgent problem that faces us how to syncretize the engineering cost management in China with the world trend and the international convention.(在新的环境、新的条件下,我国工程造价管理如何融合世界潮流与国际惯例接轨,是摆在我们面前亟待解决的问题。)
syncretize是什么意思 syncretize在线翻译 syncretize什么意思 syncretize的意思 syncretize的翻译 syncretize的解释 syncretize的发音 syncretize的同义词