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英 [əˈli:dʒəns]

美 [əˈlidʒəns]


形容词: allegiant

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  • 忠诚(态度)
  • 拥戴
  • 忠贞
  • 归顺
  • 忠心
  • 臣道
  • 忠节
  • 归属
  • 支持
  • 效忠
  • 拥护
  • 忠顺
  • 臣从义务


1. the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action

e.g. his long commitment to public service
they felt no loyalty to a losing team

Synonym: commitmentloyaltydedication

2. the loyalty that citizens owe to their country (or subjects to their sovereign)

Synonym: fealty

1. (对组织、人物、信仰的)忠诚,拥护
Your allegiance is your support for and loyalty to a particular group, person, or belief.

e.g. My allegiance to Kendall and his company ran deep.
e.g. ...a community driven by strong ties and allegiances.

1. 表示敬意、顺从、效忠等:167. render 解释比较长,可要仔细体会啊! | render homage,obedience,allegiance,etc.表示敬意、顺从、效忠等: | a reward for services rendered 服务的酬金

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Theses terms are also intended to infuse work with meaning—and, as Rakesh Khurana, another professor, points out, increase allegiance to the firm.(这些术语也旨在为工作注入意义,正如另一位教授RakeshKhurana指出的那样,它增加了对公司的忠诚度。)
An impressive victory would thus be spun as a simple matter of ethnic allegiance.(一个叹为观止的胜利也许因为一个简单的民族忠诚问题就此发生逆转。)
Many towns often found it politic to change their allegiance.(许多城镇经常发现改变拥戴对象不失为明智之举。)
Our allegiance is to ourselves-our friends, our new Allies and acquaintances, even our sparring partners.(我们只对自己人效忠——我们的朋友,我们的新伙伴以及熟人,甚至我们的拳击练习的对手。)
Every morning the kids say the Pledge of Allegiance in unison.(每天早晨孩子们齐声进行效忠宣誓。)
"The south has the blind allegiance of the West and Western media," says Albaih.(“南方对西方和西方媒体有些盲从。”阿尔拜赫说。)
My allegiance to Kendall and his company ran deep.(我对肯达尔和他的公司的拥戴持久深厚。)
Last year his parents invested in a Premier League DVD, only to see him switch allegiance.(他的父母去年才花钱买了一套英超联赛的DVD,却眼睁睁地看着他见异思迁。)
And that's the allegiance we hold to our country.(这就是我们对国家的忠诚。)
After being endorsed, the new cabinet will need to swear an oath of allegiance to His Majesty the King.(在获得批准之后,新内阁还将要宣誓效忠国王。)
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