英语单词分类 轻松记单词



英 [əˈlɒt]

美 [əˈlɑ:t]


名词: allotter 过去式: allotted 过去分词: allotted 现在分词: allotting 第三人称单数: allots

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  • 规定
  • 分配(给),摊派(给),派定,分给,分派,分摊,配给,按比例分配
  • 发给,把...拨给,拨出
  • 指定(作某种用途),指派
  • 安排出
  • vt. 分配; 分派 give time, money,tasks,etc. to sb or sth as a share of what is available


1. give out

e.g. We were assigned new uniforms

Synonym: assignportion

2. allow to have

e.g. grant a privilege

Synonym: accordgrant

3. administer or bestow, as in small portions

e.g. administer critical remarks to everyone present
dole out some money
shell out pocket money for the children
deal a blow to someone
the machine dispenses soft drinks

Synonym: distributeadministermete outdealparcel outlotdispenseshell outdeal outdish outdole out

1. 分配;分派;划拨
If something is allotted to someone, it is given to them as their share.

e.g. The seats are allotted to the candidates who have won the most votes...
e.g. We were allotted half an hour to address the committee.

1. allot在线翻译

1. 分配:allocate 拨出 | allot 分配 | alloy 合金

2. allot的反义词

2. 分配;拨给:allocate 分配,把. 划归 | allot 分配;拨给 | almond 杏仁


3. (按份额)分配 分派:a coffee wagon 咖啡服务车 | allot (按份额)分配, 分派 | chatter 闲聊

4. 分配;指派:allocate#分配;定位置 | allot#分配;指派 | allure#引诱

  • 常用例句

  • 词汇搭配

  • 经典引文

  • I allotted six dollars for bus fare and twenty dollars for lunch each month.
  • The Municipality allotted a plot of grounds for a new school.
  • The government allots large sums of money for labour insurance and people's welfare each year.
  • 1
  • A fixed time is allotted for each question.
  • Large spaces were allotted for parking.
用作动词 (v.)
  • I allotted to each of my family what they were to do.

  • See how the Fates their gifts allot, For A is happysB is not.

    出自:W. S. Gilbert
  • Ten years I will allot to the attainment of knowledge.

    出自:S. Johnson
  • 词语用法

  • 词义讲解

  • allot指对于时间、金钱等的分配和对任务的分派,有任意或偶然的意味,不一定公平,也不一定均等。
  • allot是及物动词,可接名词作简单宾语,也可接双宾语,其间接宾语可以转化为介词to的宾语。
allot, apportion, assign, distribute
  • 这四个词都有“分配”的意思。allot指多多少少地随意分配,没有公平分配或等量分配的意思; assign着重指分配的指令性,带有官方色彩,不包含平均分配的意思; apportion指公平分配、平均分配或按某种原则制定的比例来分配; distribute指将整体分成若干份来分配,也指分给某团体分散在各处的成员。
  • 相关列句
    But how to allot the benefit in the alliance is a problem which needs to resolve.(但是获得收益后,如何在联盟内部科学合理地分配这些利益的问题有待解决。)
    SH: to be a top weightlifter you need allot of overall flexibility.(作为一个顶级举重运动员,你需要很强的整体灵活性。)
    How much time she might, in her own fancy, allot for its dominion, is another concern.(至于她设想要为此花费多少时间,这是值得关心的另一个问题。)
    It is suggested that 5,000-6,000 years ago people in the Middle East and North Africa started to allot specific lengths of time to tasks.(据说,在5000至6000年前,中东和北非的人们开始分配特定时间段来完成任务。)
    Mean while I will like you to call me when you have chance, Because I have allot to tell you.(意思,而我会想请你给我打电话,当你有机会,因为我已经配发告诉你。)
    We didn't allot enough time for the project, so we missed the deadline.(我们没有分配足够的时间来完成这个项目,我们因此没能在期限前完成。)
    Enquiries are so large that we can only allot you 200 cases.(询盘如此之多,我们只能分给你们200箱货。)
    Customization - Allot skill points towards tracking, stealth lures, or weapon proficiency.(定制——技能点分配于跟踪、隐形诱惑,或武器熟练的能力。)
    You allot a certain amount of time to the markets each day.(你每天分配一定的时间研究市场。)
    The company with larger scale is more prefer to allot.(公司规模越大,越愿意分配;)
    allot是什么意思 allot在线翻译 allot什么意思 allot的意思 allot的翻译 allot的解释 allot的发音 allot的同义词