英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 10:14:15



英 [ˌæntɪˈsi:dnt]

美 [ˌæntɪˈsidn:t]


adj.在 ... 之前的;居先的

副词: antecedently

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1. the referent of an anaphor
a phrase or clause that is referred to by an anaphoric pronoun

2. a preceding occurrence or cause or event

3. someone from whom you are descended (but usually more remote than a grandparent)

Synonym: ancestorascendantascendentroot

4. anything that precedes something similar in time

e.g. phrenology was an antecedent of modern neuroscience

Synonym: forerunner



1. preceding in time or order

1. 前事;先例;前身
An antecedent of something happened or existed before it and was similar to it in some way.

e.g. We shall first look briefly at the historical antecedents of this theory.

2. 先前的;早先的
An antecedent thing or event happened or existed before another related thing or event.

e.g. It was permissible to take account of antecedent legislation.

3. 祖先;先人;祖宗
Your antecedents are your ancestors.

e.g. ...a Frenchman with Irish antecedents.

1. antecedent在线翻译

1. 先行词:定语从句通常皆放在被它所修饰地名(代)词之后,这种名(代)词就叫作先行词(Antecedent). 指导定语从句地关联词为关系代词和关系副词. 关系代词在定语从句中可用作主语、宾语、定语等;关系副词在定语从句中用作状语.

2. 前提:Skinner的激进主义的核心是,学习完全可以根据可观察的事件来理解、解释和预测,也就是说,学习者的行为同环境的前提(antecedent)和结果是分不开的. 他还认为,行为的结果决定着该行为是否被重复,以及是否被学会. 是啊,这个我们都深有体会的,

3. 前项:在这种系统中,通常称每个if部分为前项(antecedent),称每个then部分为后项(consequent). 在基于规则系统中,每个if可能与某断言(assertion)集中的一个或多个断言匹配,then部分用于规定放入工作内存的新断言. 当then部分用于规定动作时,

4. 前因:我们用著名心理学家艾利斯的ABC情绪理论来解释这个问题便一目了然. 艾利斯认为,人的情绪主要根源于自己的信念以及他对生活情景的评价与解释. 即事情的前因(antecedent),透过当事者对该事物的评价与解释,以及对该事物的信念(belief)这个桥梁,最终才决定什么样的结果(consequence).

One of the biggest differences between today's reality television and its 1973 antecedent is the genre's status.(现在的真人秀与1973年的先例的最大的区别就是类型的状况。)
Person, as rational being, is the antecedent of moral low.(人作为理性存在者是道德律的根据。)
So it has a kind of antecedent-consequent phrase structure with the chord.(这里像是一个前后分句的结构,配上和弦。)
That's an antecedent standard. Moral desert.(道德应得,那是一个先行标准。)
This study examines the effect of implicit verb causality in determining the antecedent of a pronoun in Chinese sentence comprehension.(本研究探讨了在汉语句子理解中动词隐含因果性对代词指认的影响。)
Physical processes flow inevitably from their antecedent conditions.(物理过程的出现必然有其前提。)
It sort of opens things up, and we refer to this as the antecedent phrase.(可以说是开启一切,我们可以把它当做先行乐句。)
From three year antecedent the northern strong country is that empress, change calling to be robber's starting!(从三年前北烈国那个皇后,改行当强盗开始!)
We provide a Chinese layout analysis method with antecedent non_text regions for this characteristic.(针对这种特点,本文提出了一种非文本块优先的中文版面分析方法。)
The word "man" is the antecedent of "who" in "the man who spoke".(意想不到的事情总是有其前因的。)
antecedent是什么意思 antecedent在线翻译 antecedent什么意思 antecedent的意思 antecedent的翻译 antecedent的解释 antecedent的发音 antecedent的同义词