英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-04-30 14:24:37


英 [ˈfɔ:gəʊɪŋ]

美 [ˈfɔ:rgoʊɪŋ]



  • 详情解释

  • 词典解释

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  • 上述的
  • 在前的
  • 前面提到的

1. 前述内容
You can refer to what has just been stated or mentioned as the foregoing .

e.g. You might think from the foregoing that the French want to phase accents out. Not at all.

1. 前面,前述的:forefront 最重要的地方,最前锋之位置 | foregoing 前面,前述的 | foregone 过去,先前的


2. 在前的,前面的:follow-on tool 连续模 | foregoing 在前的,前面的 | foretell 预测,预示,预言

3. 前面的:forego 放弃 | foregoing 前面的 | foregone conclusion 预定的事


4. 前面的,先前的,前述的:forego /前行/ | foregoing /前面的/先前的/前述的/ | foregone /先前的/过去的/已知的/先走/居先/

  • 经典引文

  • Instead of new articles..those that had been rejected in the foregoing summer were brought out again.

    出自:T. Hardy
  • Besides the foregoing, Lord Breadalbane has..eleven portraits.

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

Through the foregoing, it is sure everyone likes integrated society instead of conflicted society.(纵观前述,相信大家都是喜爱融合的社会,而讨厌冲突的社会。)
The foregoing notwithstanding, I'll keep "account" in the list for the time being in case some operation on an account surfaces.(尽管前面已经说过,我还是将“Account”暂时保留在列表中以备帐户上的某些操作出现。)
You might think from the foregoing that the French want to phase accents out. Not at all.(你或许从之前提及之事中料到了法国人想要逐步淘汰重音。绝对不是这样的。)
The foregoing analysis relates to very wide bearing only.(上述分析只适用于很宽的轴承。)
The first thing to be said about such criticisms, of which the foregoing is a mere sampling, is that they cannot all be right.(对于这些指责,首先不得不说的是,迪米特里的责难也只是一部分人的看法而已,不都有道理。)
A year ago I could go without the foregoing favorite flavor.(一年前没有先前最喜爱的风味我也能过。)
The foregoing states the Contractor 's entire liability for intellectual property right infringement.(以上规定了供应方就知识产权侵权行为承担的全部责任。)
The foregoing description is hardly an operational definition, suitable for use in research.(前述的描述难以成为一种操作性定义,也不适合在研究中使用。)
For the foregoing reasons, I have never wavered in my pursuit of this purpose.(由于上述原因,我在追求自己的目标上至今从未动摇过。)
Except as otherwise provided in the foregoing, the pertinent provisions of law shall apply.(除以上另有规定外,法律的有关规定应予适用。)
foregoing是什么意思 foregoing在线翻译 foregoing什么意思 foregoing的意思 foregoing的翻译 foregoing的解释 foregoing的发音 foregoing的同义词