英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 08:26:12



英 [ˈbəʊni]

美 [ˈboʊni]


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异体字: boney 比较级: bonier/boneyer 最高级: boniest/boneyest 名词: boniness

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  • 多骨的
  • 骨的
  • 似骨的
  • 骨头突出的
  • 骨瘦如柴的
  • 骨骼大的
  • 瘦削的
  • 瘦骨嶙峋的
  • 瘦的
  • 由骨骼组成的
  • 类似骨头的
  • 骨骼粗大的
  • 憔悴的
  • 瘦骨嶙嶙的
  • 如骨的



1. having bones especially many or prominent bones

e.g. a bony shad fillet
her bony wrist
bony fish

Synonym: boney

2. very thin especially from disease or hunger or cold

e.g. emaciated bony hands
a nightmare population of gaunt men and skeletal boys
eyes were haggard and cavernous
small pinched faces
kept life in his wasted frame only by grim concentration

Synonym: cadaverousemaciatedgaunthaggardpinchedskeletalwasted

3. composed of or containing bone

e.g. osseous tissue

Synonym: osseousosteal

1. 骨瘦如柴的;瘦骨嶙峋的
Someone who has a bony face or bony hands, for example, has a very thin face or very thin hands, with very little flesh covering their bones.

e.g. ...an old man with a bony face and white hair...
e.g. He poked a long bony finger in Billy's chest.

2. (人体或动物的器官)骨质的
The bony parts of a person's or animal's body are the parts made of bone.

e.g. ...the bony ridge of the eye socket.

3. (鱼)多骨的,多刺的
If you describe fish that you are eating as bony, you mean that it has a lot of bones.

e.g. ...a delicious but extremely bony fish.


1. 波尼:他笔下的原住民和白人混血神探拿破仑.波纳帕特(NapoleonBonaparte),办案的场所就是羊口比人口多的澳洲不毛大后方(Outback),侦探的名字和法国名将拿破仑完全相同,只是澳洲人讲话喜欢简略,这个名字因而只叫波尼(Bony).

2. bony是什么意思

2. 多骨的:bonus 奖金 | bony 多骨的 | bonze 和尚

3. (皮包骨的瘦):skin and bones) (皮包骨的瘦) | bony (皮包骨的瘦) | scrawny (骨瘦如柴,有点惨不忍睹的瘦)

4. 多骨的, 瘦骨嶙峋的:slim 苗条的, 纤细的 | bony 多骨的, 瘦骨嶙峋的 | well-built (男)身材健美的

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Sluggish square-tailed fish armored with tough bony scales; of deep warm waters.(身披粗硬骨鳞、行动迟缓的方形尾巴鱼;在温暖的深海。)
If the child came in, he would see her thin shape and bony shoulders, and stop, afraid.(如果孩子这时候进来,就会看到她瘦小的身形和骨骼突兀的肩头;他心里害怕起来,站住脚步。)
"That's the nearest we could get to the word 'whitewash' in Latin," says Hamilton, a bony finger tracing its outline.(“这是我们能找到的和拉丁语‘粉饰’最接近的东西,”汉密尔顿说着,用骨瘦如柴的手指描画着它的轮廓。)
Racing through the forest at breakneck speed on my back, I was held up by several pairs of hands and bony shoulders.(我被一双双手和细瘦的肩膀举着,以极其危险的速度仰面朝天在森林里疾奔。)
There was a soppy stain on his trousers and through it you could see just how bony his knees were. Like the rest of him.(他的裤腿上有一块湿的污渍,透过空空的裤管,你可以看到他的膝盖,以及身体的其它部分是如何骨瘦如柴。)
Three-dimensional bony reconstruction has enhanced preoperative bony analysis and planning for reconstructive surgery.(三维骨骼重建技术可以精确实现术前骨分析并为手术做好准备。)
Mike Appel's mom, also in Rochester, a bony, distraught checkmark occupying a slender strip of Mike's bed;(我看到同样住在罗切斯特的迈克·阿佩尔的妈妈,她瘦骨嶙峋,悲痛欲绝,躺在迈克的床上,身体弯得像是一个细长的对勾;)
She suddenly held up a small, bony finger and pointed across the room.(她突然举起一根瘦小的手指指向房间的另一头。)
Castresana found Colom in his office, his bony wrists and neck poking out of his suit.(卡斯特雷萨纳在科罗姆办公室发现了他,只见他瘦削的手腕和脖子从衣服里伸了出来。)
His skin was stretched drum-tight over his bony frame.(皮肤紧巴巴地绷在骨架子上。)
bony是什么意思 bony在线翻译 bony什么意思 bony的意思 bony的翻译 bony的解释 bony的发音 bony的同义词