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更新时间:2025-03-03 08:27:42



英 [ˈbʌrə]

美 [ˈbɜ:roʊ]


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  • [C]自治城镇,(大城市的)行政区 town or part of a large city which governs itself


1. an English town that forms the constituency of a member of parliament

2. one of the administrative divisions of a large city

1. 自治市镇;(大城市中的)行政区
A borough is a town, or a district within a large town, which has its own council.

e.g. ...the South London borough of Lambeth.
e.g. ...the New York City borough of Brooklyn.

1. 自治市:行政区划 整个大伦敦地区一共被分为伦敦市(City of London)与32个自治市(Borough). 伦敦市(City of London)拥有独立的行政与立法权限,位阶较高;而西敏市(City of Westminster)虽称为市,但仍属于伦敦自治市之一. 伦敦市和众自治市属于标准一级行政区--单


2. 区:这座举世闻名的大城市在行政上划分为伦敦城(CITY OF LONDON)和32个区(BOROUGH). 它的核心为伦敦城,其外围的12个区,称内伦敦,内伦敦以外的20个区,称外伦敦. 伦敦城加上内外伦敦,则合称大伦敦,总面积1580平方公里,人口689万,

3. 市镇:君主会在枢密院的建议下发出[[皇家特许状]](Royal Charter). 特许状可为公司赋予特别地位,也可为市镇赋予[[自治城市]](city)或[[自治市镇]](borough)的地位. 枢密院顾问官有权在[[上议院]]进行辩论时,坐在上议院大厅皇坐前的台阶.

4. (某些州的)自治市镇:borough (某些州的)自治市镇 | colourful 彩色的 | colorama 彩色光

  • 常用例句

  • New York is made up of five boroughs.
I went to a debate in the Bronx, moderated by the borough President, Fernando Ferrer, who would become a supporter.(我在布朗克斯参加了一场辩论,主持辩论的是布朗克斯区区长费尔南多·费雷尔,他后来成了我的支持者。)
Half a dozen schools in the borough report scooter-commuting rates of over 30%.(市镇报告中几乎有六个学校单轮滑的通勤率到达30%以上。)
That's what happened to Harry Barritt of London's Bromley borough.(住在伦敦的布罗姆利自治市的哈里·巴里特就经历了此事。)
Like most Londoners, Matt and Gen shop, meet their friends and go to restaurants in their own borough.(跟大多数伦敦人一样,马特和吉纳买东西、见朋友、外出就餐都是在自己居住的那个区。)
Families of six or seven are the norm in Borough Park.(六七口人的家庭在菠萝园是常事儿。)
Luton Borough Council said it was awaiting full details of the proposal before assessing whether it could approve in-flight weddings.(卢顿区理事会称,目前该机构正在等待有关空中婚礼方案的所有详细内容,之后才能评估其是否可行。)
The remaining church in the borough, St. Mary's, holds weekly services on Sunday and is unaffected by the fire.(仅存的一座教堂位于圣玛丽区,她没有受到大火破坏,仍然在每个星期天做一次礼拜。)
Arsenal is big in its home borough of Islington [is], and in Camden [Ca] and Barnet.(阿森纳在其主场所在地的伊斯灵顿区势力强大,此外阿森纳的球迷还遍布卡姆登区和哈尼特区。)
Jadyn Olivia Gonce lives in the Bronx borough of New York.(婕婷·奥利维亚·戈斯居住在纽约布朗克斯区。)
Knowsley Metropolitan Borough supplied all its schools returns.(诺斯利大都会区提供了所有的学校报酬。)
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