英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-24 10:40:50



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形容词: bulgy 名词: bulginess 过去式: bulged 过去分词: bulged 现在分词: bulging 第三人称单数: bulges

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  • 船腹
  • 增多,增长
  • 上涨,暴涨
  • 肿胀,凸块
  • 膨胀,鼓起,凸起,肿起
  • 肥胖部位,发胖部位
  • 暂时的激增
  • 优势,优越
  • 凸出部分,鼓出部
  • 【海】鱼雷防护线
  • 底边
  • 装满,充满,塞满
  • (使)膨胀,(使)凸起,(使)鼓起,(使)凸出,突出,鼓胀,突凸,隆起
  • 上涨,急增
  • 船底破漏
  • [C]膨胀,肿起 a swelling of a surface caused by pressure from inside or below
  • vi. 膨胀,凸出,鼓起 swell or curve outwards


1. something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings

e.g. the gun in his pocket made an obvious bulge
the hump of a camel
he stood on the rocky prominence
the occipital protuberance was well developed
the bony excrescence between its horns

Synonym: bumphumpswellinggibbositygibbousnessjutprominenceprotuberanceprotrusionextrusionexcrescence


1. cause to bulge or swell outwards

Synonym: bulk

2. swell or protrude outwards

e.g. His stomach bulged after the huge meal

Synonym: pouchprotrude

3. bulge outward

e.g. His eyes popped

Synonym: startprotrudepoppop outbulge outbug outcome out

4. bulge out
form a bulge outward, or be so full as to appear to bulge

Synonym: bag

1. 凸出;鼓胀
If something such as a person's stomach bulges, it sticks out.

e.g. Jiro waddled closer, his belly bulging and distended...
e.g. He bulges out of his black T-shirt...

2. (眼睛或血管)凸出
If someone's eyes or veins are bulging, they seem to stick out a lot, often because the person is making a strong physical effort or is experiencing a strong emotion.

e.g. His eyes seemed to bulge like those of a toad...
e.g. He shouted at his brother, his neck veins bulging.

3. 充满;塞满
If you say that something is bulging with things, you are emphasizing that it is full of them.

e.g. They returned home with the car bulging with boxes.
e.g. ...a bulging briefcase.

4. 肿块;疙瘩
Bulges are lumps that stick out from a surface which is otherwise flat or smooth.

e.g. Why won't those bulges on your hips and thighs go?

5. 激增;猛涨
If there is a bulge in something, there is a sudden large increase in it.

e.g. ...a bulge in aircraft sales.
e.g. ...the huge bulge of payments due over the next two years.

1. 凸度:在图形数据库中以顶点(即相连点) 子实体的形式保存信息,与位置、形状有关的信息主要有两个:一是顶点(Vertex) 坐标数值,保存在10 组码中;二是顶点凸度(Bulge) ,保存在42 组码中. 凸度(Bulge) 为0 对应G01凸度(Bulge) 不为0 对应G02 或G03

2. bulge

2. 膨胀:您可以利用 ACDSee7 简单易用的相片编辑工具来消除红眼、强化影像轮廓、切割图片、调整曝光、加强色彩与光线、消除杂讯、重订尺寸、旋转、转换档案格式,也可以进行如复古调(sepia)、漩涡(swirl)、膨胀(bulge)、油画(oil paint)效果等特效处理.

3. bulge在线翻译

3. 隆起:三.隆起(Bulge)级子物体由于隆起级子物体的编辑主要是在横截面隆起编辑器(Bulge Editor)中完成的,其面板中的功能大多包含在编辑器中,其余一些设置又和封套级子物体中的相同,因此对于面板我们就略过不再介绍.

4. 突起:所有这些方法都基于这一物理特性,即突变和野生型DNA链间错配或未配对碱基所产生的泡状结构(bubble)或突起(bulge),然而,这种区分间有很多重叠. 环出异源双链技术(Heteroduples of loops) 未配对的多个碱基或环 未知或已知的缺失或插入 琼脂糖或丙烯胺 Nagamine等1989年额外加入对照DNA分子(Control DNA)以确保在样品为纯合子

  • 常用短语

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  • 经典引文

    充满〔塞满〕… be completely full of sth
    bulge with sth

    His pocket was bulging with sweets.


  • The apple made a bulge in his pocket.
  • His stomach bulged.
  • He didn't want to..stuff it into his pocket for it would make bulges in his newly pressed uniform jacket.

    出自:L. Deighton
  • His palm cautiously inched up the slack bulge of her breast.

    出自:W. Boyd
  • 近义词

  • 临近词

On June 6, 1944, he landed at Utah Beach, and he later saw action during the Battle of the Bulge.(它可能算是《九故事》中感情最真挚的一篇。在1944年6月6日,他在诺曼底的犹他海滩登陆,他后来参加了阿登战役行动。)
My files now bulge with more than 800 rejections.(如今,我的文件夹被八百余封拒信塞得鼓鼓囊囊。)
A halo of mysterious dark matter is thought to infuse the space surrounding each of the bulge-packing galaxies.(一个围绕着暗物质的神秘光环是,它被认为是充满着每一个星系周围的空间。)
Tom took Brendan's hand and pressed it against the bulge in his track pants.(汤姆拿着布伦丹的手,把它压在他胀起的短裤上。)
"Apparently you don't have to have a bulge to form a massive black hole," said Reines.(“显然你不一定非得有核球才能产生巨型黑洞,”Reines说。)
A hernia is usually recognized as a bulge under your skin.(疝发生后,一般来说,你会在腹壁皮肤上看到一个隆起。)
Often, showing the "bulge" is enough to gain the respect of rival gangs.(很多时候,亮起“鼓囊的家伙”就足以能够赢得敌对帮派的尊重。)
This “youth bulge” will last until 2050.(这项年轻人兴起的现象,将持续到2050年。)
Earth's midsection bulges and the catastrophic land displacement caused a small reduction in the bulge, making the planet more round.(地球中部是稍稍膨胀的,历经灾难的陆地位移导致了隆起的轻微减少,让地球变得更圆。)
Only galaxies with a spherical bulge—like component appear to accommodate supermassive black holes.(只有拥有球形膨胀物质的星系才可能容纳超大质量的黑洞。)
bulge是什么意思 bulge在线翻译 bulge什么意思 bulge的意思 bulge的翻译 bulge的解释 bulge的发音 bulge的同义词