英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 11:16:16



英 [ˈbʊliən]

美 [ˈbʊljən]


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  • 金条
  • 金块
  • 银块
  • 银条
  • 金丝编的缨穗
  • 纯金
  • 大量的金
  • 条金
  • 纯银
  • 条形金属
  • 粗金属锭
  • 粗铅
  • 金丝缨繸
  • 金银
  • 金银块
  • 金丝饰带
  • 金银锭
  • 条银
  • 金属块
  • 比利翁(音译名)



1. gold or silver in bars or ingots

2. a mass of precious metal

1. 金条;银条
Bullion is gold or silver, usually in the form of bars.

1. 金银块,金银条:Bullet loan 一次还本贷款 | Bullion 金银块,金银条 | Bullion broker 贵重金属经纪人

2. 金银块:Bull market 买超市场;市场看涨 | Bullion 金银块 | Bullionism 金银通货主义

3. 金或银锭,纯金币,纯银币:bracteate 薄片币. | bullion 金或银锭,纯金币,纯银币. | cased set 盒装套币.


4. 金银:bullhorn 扩音器 | bullion 金银 | bullionism 金银通货

Positive real rates in the 1980s and 1990s had bullion trading sideways for 20 years.(1980-90年代的正利率将黄金交易晾到一边达20年之久。)
This time round they are able to buy exchange-traded funds (ETFs) which promise a return linked to the bullion price.(这一次,他们可以购买交易所交易基金(ETFs),它提供了同金价相联系的补贴。)
Two that have done investors proud are the yen and gold bullion.(让投资者引以为傲的两类资产是日元和黄金。)
With bullion prices rising and economic doubts gathering, times should be good for gold producers.(随着金价走强,经济疑云密布,这对黄金生产商来说无疑是个绝好的机会。)
Now there are obviously other speculative indicators, such as the amount of money flowing into bullion exchange traded funds.(现在,很明显存在着其他投机成分在其中,例如大量资金流入到货币对冲交易之中。)
OK, should you buy bullion as well?(那么,你应该购买金块吗?)
Sunken ship he was trying to find had been carrying a precious cargo of gold bullion.(船长知道日后还会再作尝试,因为他试图寻找的沉船上载有一批珍贵的金条。)
Odyssey has declined to state whether it has found any of the Portuguese bullion.(奥德赛公司拒绝说明它是否已经发现了葡萄牙黄金。)
The price of gold hit $1058.48 an ounce in the London Bullion Market Thursday local time, which was the highest level in history.(当地时间8日,伦敦黄金交易所金价达到每盎司1058.48美元,创历史新高。)
A group of entrepreneurs has just discovered a way of taking nickel, copper, and zinc and turning them into bullion.(一群企业家们最近发现了一种方法,能够将镍、铜和锌混在一起变成金子。)
bullion是什么意思 bullion在线翻译 bullion什么意思 bullion的意思 bullion的翻译 bullion的解释 bullion的发音 bullion的同义词